Write it on your heart that each day will be the best day of the year. Emerson.
Happy New Year to all of our Desert Trails' families! I eagerly look forward to all of the
positive and innovative challenges that come with a new year! Our Parent~Teacher Conferences are right around the corner, and we relish this time to share your child(ren)'s many accomplishments during the first semester. Be watching for conference information coming home soon. Also, this will be the time when we offer a survey to our parents to gather input on different items. Your input is valued by each School Council member, so please take the time to let us hear from you! Surveys will be distributed during Conference Week and will also be available in the Office starting 1/23 through 1/27. THANK YOU!
Safety First~ is always a priority at Desert Trails, but we need your help. Please continue to drive slowly while in parking lots, and within the crosswalk zones. Dropping off & parking within the crosswalk zones is illegal and can cause serious complications for drivers who are then forced to pass (which is also illegal within the crosswalk zone). Let's take an extra minute and do all we can to make sure not only your child, but all of our children are safe coming and going to school.
Get involved~at Desert Trails! We can't do what we do, without YOU, our wonderful parents. If you have an hour a week or an hour a day we have lots of ways for you to get to know us better and be involved! Reading with students in a small group, working one on one with a student in math or reading, assisting the teacher in the classroom, copying, helping in the Library, etc... Contact your child's teacher, PTO, or the office!!
January Events
1/4 Back in School
1/5 School Council
1/9 Author Gary Hogg visit to 2nd Grade
1/9 Kindness Assembly Andy Cohn Guest Speaker
1/10 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30 (NO LUNCH)
1/12 Governing Board Meeting 7pm
1/16 MLK No School
1/17 Catalina 6th Grade Parent meeting 6:30 pm
1/19 STAR Student lunch with Mrs. Lee @ Mimi's Cafe
1/23-1/26 Parent~Teacher Conferences
1/26 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30 (NO LUNCH)
1/27 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30 (NO LUNCH)
2/2 School Council meeting 7:45 am
1/20 District Spelling Bee (Good Luck~Sammi)
New Link~At the top of my blog you will find several links to give you access to more information. Today I have added a link for easier access to our School Council agendas & minutes. Enjoy!