From~Jane Howard, Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one! The Staff and I wish you the Happiest of Holidays to you and your families!
Spelling Champs! On Dec. 9, Desert Trails held its annual Spelling Bee. However, this was not our usual Bee. This was a first for Desert Trails, as we were running out of words!
This group of excellent spellers just kept spelling correctly!!!! Nice Job!
Participants and Alternates: Sydney B./Chloe F./Evan F./Harrison G./Hannah H./Jennifer I./Brian M./Hannah H./Kylie K./Taylor M./Ethan N./Emilio P.-R./Ashton R./Aliyah S./Julia S./Sammi S./Matt W./Adain W./Samantha B./Nathan O./Abby B./Mary B./Alex J./Matthew L./Sam M./Serena P./Kylie S.
Mrs. Bier and Mrs. Warner planned a very successful Bee. Our judges: Mike Lee, Pinnacle Peak, Principal; Jennifer Minor, Sonoran Sky, Principal; Tammy Hall, District Title Coordinator;
Dr. Rob Allen, District Director of Assessment.
Our Spelling Bee winner for the 2011-2012 school year~ Sammi S. &
Runner up~Ashton R.
CONGRATULATIONS to ALL participants!!!
January Events
1/4 School Resumes
1/5 School Council meeting 7:45 am
1/10 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30 (No Lunch)
1/12 Governing Board Meeting 7:00 pm
1/16 MLK No School
1/17 Catalina Parent meeting Chaperones 6:00/ All 6th grade parents 6:30 pm
1/17-2/2 Parent Satisfaction Survey window ( link to come )
1/19 STAR Student lunch with Mrs. Lee~ Mimi's Cafe
1/20 District Spelling Bee
1/23-1/27 Parent~Teacher Conferences
1/26 & 1/27 Early Release Days Students Dismissed at 12:30 (No Lunch)
SpeakUp! window closes Dec. 28~your input provides valuable feedback for the technology direction in PV. Please take just a minute to complete! Thank you! (link at the top of my blog)
Tax Credit! deadline is Dec. 31. On-line donation link can be found at the top of my blog!
Paradise Valley schools Community 5K Run will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012
Find the flyer at the top of my blog! See you there! ( you can also walk & bring the family!)