Let us hear from you! ~ Your ideas, your concerns and questions are very important to me. Establishing lines of communication are important to me and over the years I have initiated several avenues for you to provide your thoughts: Quick responses to your emails and phone calls, Feedback to Grow link, Parent survey 2 times a year, open door policy, invitations to special school meetings, Coffee with the Principal, etc.... So many times parents have offered great suggestions and ideas that we have put into place! I appreciate hearing from you!
This month parents will have 2 opportunities to provide feedback. One survey, School Council Parent survey, will be offered at our Parent~Teacher Conferences where we will be using paper surveys to gather your input, and the other~ our annual District Parent Satisfaction survey will be offered on-line, in which we will have computers in the lobby for parents to access that survey. We would like to get 100% participation on both surveys as we will rely on your input as we move forward with programs, curriculum, and staffing decisions. THANK YOU!!!
Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey – Thursday, January 12– Saturday, February 4 at midnight.
Parents are encouraged to provide input about the schools their children attend in the online, district-wide parent satisfaction survey. The survey is available from Thursday, January 12 through Saturday, February 4, 2012 at midnight. Parents are invited to complete the survey one time for each school in which they have a student enrolled. Parent feedback will be used to provide input to improve services for children and families. At the top of this blog and on our school website the link has been provided. Watch for reminders coming home!
SOLAR at Desert Trails is coming soon! Displayed in our Lobby is a beautiful poster showing the plan for the solar panels soon to be going in at D.T. You will see how well the panels are laid out, and the area to be covered. During the many phases of this project our parking lots will be under construction. Please keep in mind Cashman park parking lot will become a life saver for pick up & dropping off students as we move through this timeline of work. I will be asking all staff to be parking in the Cashman parking lot to leave our school parking spaces for our parents. Your patience and support as we undergo this great energy efficient venture, will be greatly appreciated! I will keep you posted as we move closer to the launching date- in the meantime, stop in a take a look at the poster!
IMPACT Part 2~ As the past blog shared, teachers have redesigned their instructional day to carve out an IMPACT time to reach all learners in the area of math. Our Kinder and First grade teachers collectively have agreed to utilize their IMPACT time in the area of reading. With the new state law establishing a possible retention by the year 2013 for all 3rd grade students not reading at grade level, our teachers felt that every possible minute that could be devoted to reading would be extremely valuable for all of our students. We are excited about this new direction and we are confident that great results will be obtained.