Monday, December 19, 2011

Spelling Bee/January Events/SpeakUp!Community 5K Run

From~Jane Howard, Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one! The Staff and I wish you the Happiest of Holidays to you and your families!

Spelling Champs! On Dec. 9, Desert Trails held its annual Spelling Bee. However, this was not our usual Bee. This was a first for Desert Trails, as we were running out of words!
This group of excellent spellers just kept spelling correctly!!!! Nice Job!
Participants and Alternates: Sydney B./Chloe F./Evan F./Harrison G./Hannah H./Jennifer I./Brian M./Hannah H./Kylie K./Taylor M./Ethan N./Emilio P.-R./Ashton R./Aliyah S./Julia S./Sammi S./Matt W./Adain W./Samantha B./Nathan O./Abby B./Mary B./Alex J./Matthew L./Sam M./Serena P./Kylie S.
Mrs. Bier and Mrs. Warner planned a very successful Bee. Our judges: Mike Lee, Pinnacle Peak, Principal; Jennifer Minor, Sonoran Sky, Principal; Tammy Hall, District Title Coordinator;
Dr. Rob Allen, District Director of Assessment.
Our Spelling Bee winner for the 2011-2012 school year~ Sammi S. &
Runner up~Ashton R.

CONGRATULATIONS to ALL participants!!!

January Events
1/4 School Resumes
1/5 School Council meeting 7:45 am
1/10 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30 (No Lunch)
1/12 Governing Board Meeting 7:00 pm
1/16 MLK No School
1/17 Catalina Parent meeting Chaperones 6:00/ All 6th grade parents 6:30 pm
1/17-2/2 Parent Satisfaction Survey window ( link to come )
1/19 STAR Student lunch with Mrs. Lee~ Mimi's Cafe
1/20 District Spelling Bee
1/23-1/27 Parent~Teacher Conferences
1/26 & 1/27 Early Release Days Students Dismissed at 12:30 (No Lunch)

SpeakUp! window closes Dec. 28~your input provides valuable feedback for the technology direction in PV. Please take just a minute to complete! Thank you! (link at the top of my blog)
Tax Credit! deadline is Dec. 31. On-line donation link can be found at the top of my blog!

Paradise Valley schools Community 5K Run will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012
Find the flyer at the top of my blog! See you there! ( you can also walk & bring the family!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



A letter from a *parent at Desert Trails:
You can make a huge difference in your child’s education!
Do you know that if we mobilize a large majority of our families, we have the potential to direct up to $120,000 to Desert Trails’ before & after school programs, without any additional cost to us? (And that is a very conservative estimate). These are dollars that we are already paying in taxes to the State of Arizona, but instead of going directly to support your child, they go into a state fund. Put your tax money to work where it matters: for your child.

· If you are already due to pay state taxes you can donate up to $200 for singles and $400 for married couples. Then you can make this donation and get every dollar back (deducted) when you file your tax return!

· Decrease your federal tax liability when you make this contribution!

· Increase your miles or points on your credit card when you make this contribution!

· Many large corporations have a ‘Gift Matching’ program! Use the program to double your support to your child’s school~Desert Trails (at no extra cost to you)!

· Support the school and your community!
Spread the word to your neighbors! Some of them might not have kids in school any longer and you think they will not care. However, research shows that communities with excelling schools attract buyers and increase property value. There is a direct correlation between the performance of the school and the value of the properties in the community the school serves.
*This Desert Trails' parent has offered to answer any of your questions. Please contact the office for the phone number.
We are very excited to introduce our district tax credit donation website. Making a contribution to receive your Arizona Public Education Tax Credit is simple when doing it through this site.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tax Credit Made Easy!

We are happy to announce the Paradise Valley Unified School District has launched an Online Webstore for Tax Credit Donations.
A link is provided: so that donors will be taken to an online site where you may donate using their debt or credit card. I am also in the process of getting a link set up on our school website! Anyone using this avenue of making a donation will be issued an email receipt that you may use for tax purposes. Donations can be made via this link up until the deadline~ Midnight~Dec. 31, 2011.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Finally, Homework Without Tears!

In Paradise, we are always investing in opportunities for your child to have the best academic experience~ that includes doing their homework!!! Paradise Valley School District is now offering free, on-line, homework support to students of all ages, and all subject areas.
Read on....

Every Monday through Thursday 3pm to 7pm students needing tutoring can be accessed from home - tutors are "in your home!!!"

Students, parents and teacher-parents are highly complimenting the program!
Visit my blog, and click on the link "On-Line Tutoring" for the Super Amazing flyer for more details!

Happy Homework! (Happy Learning!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Shop/SpeakUp!/Tax Credit/Dec. Events

Tuesday, Nov. 29 through Dec. 2, our Holiday Shop is back & open for business! Students will have the opportunity to purchase small gifts for family and friends while using their math skills! Our wonderful PTO has brought this fun experience back to Desert Trails to emphasize thoughtfulness, friendship, and love toward others; some of the most important Life Skills we want for all of our children! The Holiday shopping list should have gone home last week. If you need another one, please contact your child's teacher or drop by the office to pick one up!

In keeping with four years running now, SpeakUp! 2011 is now open. Perhaps now more than ever, participation is warranted. Parents, staff and students are encouraged to participate. The data is used in many small and large forums. Please go directly to my blog and click on the SpeakUp! link. Thank you!!

Do you pay Az. Taxes? Well, the Tax Credit deadline is approaching quickly and we need your help! Our iCamp, GenYes, Reading Rocks, Spanish, Drama, & Homework Clubs are all funded through your Tax Credit. PLUS---- the Tax Credit is available to all State of Az taxpayers, regardless of whether you have children in school. The amount you donate-up to $200 (or$400 per married couple)- will be the amount you may claim as a state tax credit. For example, if you donate $50, your state tax credit would be $50. A receipt will be mailed to you by the school.
We appreciate your Tax Credit as it allows us to offer wonderful before & after school programs for all of our students! Please call the office if you have any questions or go directly to the link provided on my blog. THANK YOU!!!

12/1 School Council meeting 7:45 am
12/1 Governing Board meeting 7pm
12/7 Chorus Holiday Show @ DTES 6:30pm
12/14 PTO BINGO @ DTES 6:00-9:00pm
12/15 STAR Lunch with Mrs. Lee @ Mimi's Cafe
12/15 Governing Board meeting 7pm
12/21-1/3 Winter Break
1/10 Half Day Students dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Desert Trails Parents~THANK YOU for supporting us!!!

I am happy to report that both bonds have officially passed. The capital bond was approved and the money will be used to renovate and maintain schools, improve school grounds, and purchase school furniture, equipment, technology and school buses. Work is already beginning at sites where need is greatest. The rest will be phased-in over multiple years to honor our commitment to maintain the district tax burden at current levels. The capital override was also approved. That money will be spent on instructional materials and support vehicles.

Our United Parent Council, Principals, and Teachers, were all important factors in the final results by their collective effort in getting the word out about this important issue.
Thank you for once again supporting your excelling Desert Trail's PV School.
I am proud to be your principal and work with such great, supportive parents.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


At Desert Trails we strive to Cultivate World Thinkers but we also take an active role in cultivating community awareness~

From Our Tents To Yours
is a partnership between Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and local schools. The Sheriff's Office will be assembling and shipping soldier care packages to our troops. If you would like to let the men and women who serve our country know that we are thinking about them this season of giving, please see the attached list of needs. Then simply drop your item(s) off at school. The program runs Nov. 14-21st.

PTO and Shoebox Ministry is currently collecting warm, new socks for all size feet! Desert Trails has always been a big contributor in stepping up and providing warm socks for those less fortunate. This year we will be collecting Nov. 14 through Nov. 18th. Drop off at school all this week!

Do you know any "Twi-Hards"? Breaking Dawn comes out Friday November 18 and if you know anyone who wants to be one of the first to see it here in the Valley, then you need to pass on this fantastic info. The attached flyer "TWILIGHT" has details for the midnight showing at the new Studio Movie Grill in Scottsdale. A $20 dollar donation gets you a ticket to the movie and popcorn with proceeds going to Jordan's Jungle! Jordan is a past Desert Trails student who created his service oriented outreach to assist ill children. You'll also get a pass for two free movies at Studio Movie Grill, so it's basically a wash and it benefit's charity!!! What could be better? For more info on Jordan's Jungle, please check out

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Mouse that.../Red Ribbon Success/PTO

Paradise Valley High School's Drama students will be presenting "The Mouse that Roared"
on Nov. 8, 9, and 10th. 7:00pm curtain! Children & Students with ID $5.00 Adults & Students without ID $7.00. One of our very own past Desert Trails' students, Ms. Garcia, will be in this wonderful production! Flyers available in the Office.
Red Ribbon was once again a huge success! Many thanks go out to all parents who helped during the week long celebration & learning. Mr. & Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. DeLine, Ms. Domingo and a SPECIAL THANKS to Mrs. Owens for organizing the entire week! The helicopter arrival is such an awesome event!

Grades 4, 5, & 6 attended an assembly on Friday that reviewed new football protocols, and cafeteria incentives! As we move forward allowing "FLAG" football at Desert Trails, Coach E. and our Duty Aides will be communicating with students the importance of good sportsmanship, self control, and following safety rules. Students are well aware that they may be removed from football if they chose to not follow the rules now firmly in place. Please speak with your child's classroom teacher should you have any questions.

Rainy Days procedures are now in place as our weather has taken its long awaited turn! Upon arrival, should the playgrounds be wet, have puddles, or it is raining we have established that our Library will open at 8:30 for all K-3 grade students. Also, our Cafeteria will be open at 8:30 for all 4, 5, & 6th graders. Teachers will come to each of these locations to retrieve their students at 8:55. During the day should it remain a "Rainy Day" students will go to lunch at the regular time, and instead of going outside, they simply return to their classroom for free time determined by the classroom teacher. Duty Aides will supervise during this time however, we can always use parents for this coverage time! Please plan some extra driving time on these days as there will be more cars dropping off and picking up students. SLOW DOWN in cross walks!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Parent Input

If you missed the opportunity to share your input by filling out the survey during Parent~Teacher Conferences, I've created a link with the same form.
Please simply go to this pvlearners site CLICK HERE and answer the two questions regarding our Special Areas. Your feedback is important! If you already completed the survey, please do not fill it out again. We would like to have the most reliable feedback as possible.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Solar/Red Ribbon Week/

Moving forward to save money- You will soon see solar structures at Desert Trails! We are very excited to be one of the first in the state to take advantage of this savings incentive by APS and the Arizona Corporation Commission. To make sure you have accurate information, I have attached articles at the top of my blog that you may read, should you want more information. Remember, you must go to my actual blog to get to the articles. They are located at the top under the solar headings. In Paradise Valley we are proud of our fiscal management, and want you to know in these tough economic times the district is doing everything we can to maximize the money we receive from taxpayers.

Red Ribbon Week Happenings-
Monday~ Winner's Don't Do Drugs! Kick off the week with a fun run-wear your team jersey!
Tuesday~ Give Drugs the Boot! Western Wear!
Wednesday~ Drugs Are No Match For Us! Mismatch day!
Thursday~ Peace Out to Drugs! Wear peace signs!
Friday~ Just Say No! Wear Red! Helicopter arrives at Desert Trails!!! (9:30ish)
THANKS to Andres O. for all of her hard work putting together this special week.
Please find an article, provided by Andrea, that you may find helpful!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Faces/Proud % AIMS/Football/Nov. Events

For nearly 8 weeks, it was my pleasure to fill the gap of crossing guard, before school & after! It always started & ended my day on such a happy note with the waves & shouts of good mornings/good byes from students and parents! However, my corner reign has come to a close-- You are now seeing Mr. Michael our new crossing guard! He has stepped in and is doing a wonderful job! Be sure to keep the waving up to make him feel welcomed at Desert Trails!!! Next- be looking for our new Campus Assistant, Mr. Lane. Lane has recently joined the Desert Trails' team to be our jack-of-all-trades! You will see him on the playground, in the classrooms, outside parking lots, cafeteria and also the office doing what needs to be done! Be sure and say hello to him! Last- but not least, in the cafeteria we have two new wonderful moms who have decided to make a positive difference at Desert Trails. Mrs. Deb & Mrs. Beth are in the cafeteria helping students eat and get outside to play! They have been awesome help!
These pro-active people have decided to roll up their sleeves and help support wonderful kids and an outstanding school. WE couldn't do it without THEM!

We are very proud of our 2011 AIMS results and I would like to share a glimpse of the outstanding work our dedicated teachers do on a daily basis.
2nd grade Math 84% (tied for 1st in the District) Meet & Exceeded the Standards/Reading 68% Meet & Exceed the Standards (tied for 3d in the District)/Writing 67% Meet & Exceed the Standards (tied for 2nd in the District).
3rd grade Math 85% Meet & Exceed/Reading 93% Meet & Exceed the Standards
4th grade Math 88% Meet & Exceed/Reading 96% Meet & Exceed the Standards/Science 92%
5th grade Math 80% Meet & Exceed/Reading 91% Meet & Exceed the Standards
6th grade Math 75% Meet & Exceed/Reading 98% Meet & Exceed the Standards
We are always working to improve what we do, and this information will be incorporated into
collecting further data, so teachers can continue to collaborate in Professional Learning Communities and work together to improve Best Practices at Desert Trails!

Football at Desert Trails is under construction, as I work with Students, Coach E., Teachers, and Duty Aides to move in a direction where students can play, be safe, and have fun. Football can get intense, and we have some very competitive students who like to win! Our challenge has been to direct that competitive spirit toward good sportsmanship, following rules, and being a leader instead of displays of physical aggression.
Coach E. has been working on foundational school wide rules, and he has been teaching students in grades 4, 5, & 6 these rules during P.E. classes. Duty Aides have met to review and give input to the rules, and teachers are meeting after Parent~Teacher Conferences to also do the same.
Our grades 4, 5, & 6 Football Assembly will launch playing football at Desert Trails this year.
I will visit classrooms next week in preparation of our assembly, and at that time rules will be coming home for parents. I am optimistic that our students can work together to make recess enjoyable and safe for all!

Nov. Events
11/1-11/4 Red Ribbon Week
11/4 Grades 4-5-6 Football Assembly 10:30am
11/4 PTO Movie in the Park 5:30-7:30
11/11 Veteran's Day ***No School
11/15 Catalina Chaperone meeting 6:00pm School front lobby
11/16 Strings Concert @ D.T. 7pm
11/17 STAR Student lunch with Mrs. Lee
11/23-11/25 Thanksgiving Recess ***No School

Thursday, October 20, 2011

EXCELLING & A/Conferences & Survey/Principal Nathan's Report

The "good news" has been released by the State, and Desert Trails once again claimed the Excelling status and achieved the letter grade A. We still have much to do and remain determined to improve our practice, procedures, and meet our student's needs.
CONGRATULATIONS DESERT TRAILS on this exceptional performance!

Parent~Teacher Conferences are next week- Oct. 24-27. Please remember that Wednesday, Oct. 26 and Thursday, Oct. 27 are half days- students are dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch will be served) and Friday, Oct. 28 is a K-8 Recess (no school).
As you attend your conference please be sure to take the time to complete the Parent Survey from School Council. We depend on gathering your input to assist us with decisions that come up during the school year. Parent Surveys will be outside classroom doors and also in the office.
Thank you from School Council- your input is valued.

Principal of the Day~ Nathan P. shares his day... "I had a great time as principal for the day although I got embarrassed a lot because I had to do everything. I got to go to a meeting in the morning (at 8am!), do morning announcements, listen and announce the student council speeches, manage the school, go to the cafeteria and watch, go to the classrooms to tell them the dress code, watch students work, do papers, and go to lunch with Mrs. Lee. Everybody greeted me like I was famous! My favorite part of the day was seeing all the kids!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grade/McTeacher Night/Coming Events

Today, at 2:30 p.m., the Arizona Department of Education will be releasing the first "grades" for all Arizona public schools. The state is transitioning out of the model, known as Legacy, that featured labels such as "excelling" or "performing," to letter grades that are calculated in a totally new way. The new formula focuses far more heavily on student growth, from year to year. ADE has created a very nice (and somewhat easy to understand) explanation of how the "school grades" are assigned. You can read this information by clicking grade.

Once the information is released you will see the results of dedication, effort, time, and elbow grease by Desert Trails' students, teachers, and parents! It truly is, all about working together for these kids!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to DESERT TRAILS! I am proud to be serving as your principal and have a part in leading this school and impacting students in a positive way! Thank you for entrusting your child(ren) to us on a daily basis. We work diligently every day to make every student successful! I think you'll find the state agrees!

Picture Re-Takes will be Oct. 27

Coming Events
10/12 TONIGHT McTeacher Night at McDonalds Tatum & Bell 4:30-7:30
10/15 Media Fest at PV Mall
10/20 STAR Student lunch with Mrs. Lee
10/24 - 10/27 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/31-11/4 RED RIBBON WEEK
11/3 School Council meeting 7:45 Principal's Office
11/11 Veteran's Day K-12 Recess

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Islands Night Out/K-12 Recess/Principal for the Day

9/27 This Tuesday, from 4:00-close join your favorite teacher(s) for Desert Trail's PTO Island Night Out! This has always proven to be a fun and successful night for all! So, grab your family and join the D.T. family for dinner!!! 6th grade parents- don't forget our Catalina meeting at 6:30 in the cafeteria!

9/29 & 9/30 are both K-12 Recess Days. NO SCHOOL.

10/4 Principal for the Day~ Principal Nathan P.
According to Principal Nathan's calendar on this special day, he will be joining the Management Team for our monthly meeting, carrying out morning announcements, inaugurating Student Council Speeches, participating in classroom walk-thrus, facilitating cafeteria lunchtime, enjoying a special lunch with Mrs. Lee, and tending to a meeting with Mrs. Hall.
Stay tuned for his report about his day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Traffic/Desert Ridge/STAR/No School

At the request through School Council, I am pleased to report that the City of Phoenix has done an evaluation of our current pick up/drop off procedures at Desert Trails. The findings/results were very positive, and the procedures in place are safe and efficient. A suggestion to relieve the amount of cars that we do manage on a daily basis, could be to launch a NEIGHBORHOOD WALKING PROGRAM.
The City of Phoenix will come back to Desert Trails to assist in creating a safe walking route, and share ideas on making this program a success. This will take parent volunteers to coordinate and run. If anyone is interested, please contact the office!!!

Desert Ridge will be hosting Paradise Valley Schools this Saturday. Stop in and see all the great things happening in our District!

Star Citizens will be joining Mrs. Lee for lunch at Desert Ridge' Mimi's Cafe this Friday! These STAR students are "caught" making good choices, demonstrating acts of kindness or lots of other excellent qualities we stress at Desert Trails.
September Students are: Kinder-Ava R./1st-Chaz G./2nd-Isyss C./3rd-Manessah H./4th-Jansen M./5th-Noah P./6th-Bryce H. CONGRATULATIONS STARS!

Reminder: Thursday, Sept. 29 & Friday, Sept. 30 are NO SCHOOL K-12 Recess Days! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Parent Rep./Picture Day/PTO

First I would like to thank those who stepped up and offered their time & support to be involved with School Council. Those stellar individuals are: Laurel Lawton, Lisa Howe, Dania Schulman, Tracy Smitherman, and Joann Polk.
Next I would like to thank those of you who voted for the parent representative to serve on School Council. It gives me great satisfaction to know that at Desert Trails ALL parents have the opportunity to serve, vote, and be heard!
Last, but certainly not least I would like to announce our new parent who will serve on the School Council for the 2011-2012/2012-2013 school years. Please celebrate with me, Joann Polk.
As many of you know, Joann has two boys at D.T. and Jo has been instrumental on our wonderful PTO. I am very pleased to welcome Joann, and she is looking forward to being your liaison.

LIFETOUCH will be here Thursday for Picture Day!!

Did you hear that PTO is throwing an Ice Cream party? There are!!! For the classroom who gathers the most parent PTO memberships! We need moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, neighbors too! Let's get the 2011-2012 PTO membership to hit the all time high! We have many events, technology ideas, field trips, guest speakers, playground ideas.... all just waiting for parent support! The D.T. PTO works hard to invest your money into activities that will enrich our student's educational experience. We cannot do the great things we do at D.T. without your support! PTO is counting on you~and the kids want the ice cream!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome/Parent School Council Rep/Events

Please welcome with me, Mrs. Victoria Saylor. Our new Kindergarten teacher. Victoria comes to Desert Trails with 5 years teaching experience, married, has 2 children, is a Copper Canyon parent, and in her words "very happy to be at Desert Trails!!"
Mrs. Sarah Banks, Wildfire parent, stepped in and got the school year under-way for our Kinder students. She did a wonderful job, and she will be missed. Thank you Sarah!

School Council interest forms are due this Wed. and our voting window will open Thursday, Sept. 1 and close Sept. 3. My next blog will contain the link and the steps you will need to follow to get to the voting site. Make sure you have/know your child's pvlearners password & username.
Contact your child's teacher today if you do not have it.

September Events
8/30 Ms. Saylor's Meet & Greet 5:30-6:30 in the classroom
9/1 Gov. Board Meeting 7pm
9/5 Labor Day-- No School
9/8 Picture Day
9/8 School Council Meeting 3:00-4:00 Front Lobby
9/13 UPC Links Showcase 6:00-8:00 pm (Contact PTO for more info)
9/20 Half Day- Students dismissed at 12:30 No lunch is served
9/24 Media Fest at Desert Ridge (more info coming)
9/26 Health Screening
9/27 Health Screening
9/27 6th grade Parent Catalina meeting 6:30-7:00 Cafeteria
9/28 Health Screening
9/29 & 9/30 K-12 Recess No School

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank you/Blistering Hot/

A very special THANK YOU goes out to parent, Christina Porambo, daughter Serena, and son Derek~~~ who painted all of the teacher's names on the playground side-walk for students and parents to easily find class-lines on the first day of school!!!!
They worked hard & it was a very warm day!!!

Speaking of warm days we are in for a few more!
So you won't worry, I want you to know we follow a Heat Index, that our Nurse Drew keeps tabs on each morning. Should we be in the range of the Heat Index Chart that is unsafe for children to be outside playing, she will call a HOT DAY!
We notify all classrooms around 11:00 each day- if we see the temperature is heading that way.

Awesome job in the parking lot, school zones, and curb pick up/drop off. Thank you very much for all of the awareness and patience you are bringing to Desert Trails when driving. It is greatly appreciated. Keep it up and we will have an even safer, super, school!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Safety First/News Reporter Chloe/Positions/EVENTS/

Day 5 and we are well under way. With the temperature rising, and the excitement of the new school year, our parking lot suffers the higher than normal drivers. PLEASE plan for this when dropping off or picking up your child(ren). Allow enough time (a few extra minutes) to get in and get out safely.
ALSO--- our school zones have a posted speed limit that you must adhere to.
Students are not to be walking across or in the parking lots without an adult/parent walking with them. PLEASE do not pull up, and motion to your child to cut across the parking lot, for pick up. This is putting your child at risk and allowing other students seeing this,could make them think that it is "ok" to do.
We are so fortunate to have Cashman Park as an annex. Students can safely cross with a cross guard and be dropped off/picked up in that lot.
RED CURBS are a NO PARKING zone as is the CROSSING ZONES and the FRONT OF OUR SCHOOL, where marked by City signs.
We need all parents to partnership with us in protecting ALL OF OUR PRECIOUS STUDENTS,
but it takes ALL OF US. We can not do this without your assistance.
School Council will be looking at ideas to see if there are any steps that we could be taking to improve the system that has been in place since the school opened.
Starting school-Conference nights-Grade level events... plan on the parking lot being busy and full. Please share any and all ideas with your School Council Parent Rep.
We appreciate your input!!!
News Reporter Chloe is a second grade students at Desert Trails. She also is a Kid Reporter for Channel 12. Chloe was filmed reporting a special edition all about the First Day of School. The link is provided at the top of this blog if you would like to see Chloe in action! She did a great job, and we are proud to have her as one of our students!! Enjoy!
POSITIONS are open for helping/working at school. Crossing Guard, Cafeteria and Playground Supervision are all critical needs that we fill each year. These ARE paid positions. If you are interested please stop by the office. You can also go on line at the District website and apply!
8/23 Early Release St. out at 12:30 No lunch served
9/1 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
9/5 Labor Day Recess No School

Saturday, August 13, 2011


As we start each school year, we always provide several opportunities for parents to be involved. One of those opportunities is being part of our School Council.
Please find the role of School Council Members:
Understand the vision and mission of the school
Understand the role of the principal
Participate- actively
Increase knowledge
Understand role in the process
Learn to work for consensus
Parent support decision
Staff support and enforce decision
Our Mission:
The mission of the Desert Trails' School Council is to support the school’s vision and mission through the evaluation of programs and providing feedback from all members of the community in the following areas:
Advise the Principal
Evaluate programs/services/expectations (i.e. Bullying, MYD, dress code, etc.)
Provide Feedback from Community
Enhance Parent/Educator Relations (Review student handbook)
Conduct Annual Parent Survey
Facilitate the development of New School Action Plan~COMPASS 2015
Recommend Tax Credit expenditures & communication of Tax Credit program
Consider and evaluate new initiatives (technology, programs, etc..)
Should you be interested in joining the School Council, you will find the nomination form at the top of my blog (to be posted by 8/17). If two or more parents submit nomination forms, I will send out through pvlearners a voting site- to provide all parents the opportunity to vote for the parent of their choice. Nomination forms are due to the office by Aug. 31, 2011.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day Success/Parent Orientation

What a wonderful first day we had! Smiling faces, lunch time happy chatter, seeing friends, and getting organized for a triumphant year! I hope your dinner time conversation was filled with all the great things that took place in your child's classroom.
Thank you for entrusting us to educate and care for your precious progeny!

Parent Orientation Night information came home today. Be sure and look on the back side of my welcome letter! Each grade level will do their presentation at a particular time. * Special note and a change from the schedule sent home: Mrs. Warner, our Gifted Specialist, will be in her classroom to meet parents with children in the Gifted program/Cluster rooms.

If you drove to school today, THANK YOU for being extra cautious. As more students feel comfortable riding the bus or have a friend to walk home with, our drop off/pick up times
will be much easier to facilitate that today! Thank you for your patience~and continue to
drive slowly when in our school zone!

Lunch time supervision is still needed for the school year. Come and help us and earn those extra dollars to offset perhaps----Starbucks! Yoga classes! New shoes! Whatever! We would love to have your help. 2 hours each day- 2 hours 3x a week- we are flexible with your availability.
Just stop by the school office and ask for Kim for more information!

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday night! Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Medly of Information!

Do Drop In-- 8/10 Wednesday, 2:00-3:00 Be sure to bring your supplies and come say hi to your new teacher!
First Day of School--8/11 Thursday, 9:00-3:00 K-6 We'll be looking for you!
Placement--Class lists are officially posted on our front doors and also in Infinite Campus. No moves will be made so teachers can prepare for each student.
Pesticide & Herbicide Dates & Times --8/3-9/7-10/5-11/2-12/7-1/4-2/1-3/7-4/4-5/2-6/6-7/4 2011-2012 school year-- (6AM to 5PM)
Chemicals used: Boride, Transport, Advion Ant gel, Advion Ant bait, Advion Roach bait, Gentrol IGR, CB-38, CB 80, Contrac blox, Wasp freeze, Taistar, Motherearth, Termidor SC, Cy-kick
Parent Orientation Night--Tuesday, Aug. 16th 5:30-7:30 Be watching for the teacher's
special time to meet with you. NOTE~ Mrs. Warner, Gifted Specialist, will be meeting parents in her classroom!
Safety--At the first of each school year, I always try to send out a reminder that our school zones are officially back up and running. PLEASE assist us in making D.T. safe for our students while driving in our parking lots, through the school zones, and at the cross walks. Fines can be doubled! Also--- PLEASE do not stop or park along the side-walk where the NO STOPPING signs are posted. This can cause blind spots for on-coming traffic and children.
We need your help! Thank you!
New Kinder Class--Yes! Our numbers keep growing in Kindergarten and we have officially open the 4th section in Kinder. We are working around the clock to get the room ready, the teacher interviewed and hired, and in the meantime, have a teacher in the room this Thursday to welcome our students and get the year started off on the right foot. Growth anytime of year is always a challenge, but have confidence in us, that we will secure the best person for the job!!!
Thank you for your patience and working with us!

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Volunteers & Field Trip Chaperons"

To: Parents, Step-Parents, Grandparents, Relatives, & Friends- who would like to be a volunteer at school or you are thinking about being a chaperon for any of our field trips, we have a new process in effect for this school year.
These recent changes to our district's chaperon and volunteer requirements is in an effort to be as safe as possible regarding those who work/interact with our children.
Please be on the lookout for more information coming home as the school year starts.
In a nutshell...
By the new process, any adult (including parents) participating at school or on a field trip, who will have moments where they are not being directly overseen by a staff member, must go through the background check clearance process.
This would include but not limited to~ working in the hallway with students, moving with a small reading/math group of students to an empty classroom, going to Catalina, the Zoo, Desert Botanical Garden, the Grand Canyon, etc. If you have any anticipation of participating as a volunteer/chaperon, pay close attention to information coming home. I wanted you to know now, so you can be on the lookout and be prepared whereas we will not be able to make any exceptions.
Again, more information will be coming home soon! Thank you!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I am getting very excited to start a brand new year with all of the great students and parents, who I claim as my Desert Trails' family! I hope each one of you had a wonderful summer.
The office staff and myself have been back to work now since mid-July, busy starting all of the planning it takes to successfully launch a new school year!!! We are registering new students daily, and it is a thrill to see our "school family" grow! I look forward to seeing everyone on our first day of school~ THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th!

Here are just a few things I'd like to share at this time:

WHICH DOOR? Student class lists will be shared with parents in two ways this year.
#1 Through Infinite Campus. You may log in on Monday, Aug. 8 to see your child's teacher
#2 DTES front office windows will once again display each classroom list on Aug. 9 after 4pm

DO DROP IN~ If you would like to drop in to say hi to your new teacher and also to bring in your school supplies our gracious teachers have offered to open their doors on Wed. Aug. 10 @ 2:00-3:00.

RING! RING! Be listening for a phone blast from our new PTO President, Karrie Bakkila! She will be sending home, via the phone, a very special Back to School message from our PTO!

WHERE TO GO! For students in grades 1-6, students are asked to go to the playground. Our hard working PTO once again has painted all teacher's names on the line-up side walk!
The bell rings at 8:55 and teachers will come out to take their students to their classrooms.
We ask that parents say their good-byes and allow the students to start their day!!!! All grades 1-6 will be dismissed in the same location at 3:00.
For our precious new Kinder students, the Kinder playground will be open at 8:30 with teacher cones set out for you to know which line is for you!!! Again, the bell will ring at 8:55! On the first day, parents are asked to escort their child into their new room and when the teacher let's you know, you'll be asked to join us in the cafeteria for my welcome & some very important information! At 2:50ish students will be dismissed in the same location. Also, keep your eyes open to see one of our District Administrators visiting Desert Trails. As tradition, these exceptional leaders make it a priority to visit schools on this very special day!

SAVE THE DATE~ Parent Orientation Night will be held earlier this year! Mark your calendar on Tuesday, August 16th as you will not want to miss this very important night. More information will come home Aug. 11.

That is it for now, but more will be coming soon!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Math Olympiad/Moving On?

This just in: Several 5th & 6th grade students from DTES were among nearly 150,000 students worldwide to participate this year in the Math Olympiad competition. They participated in a series of 5 problems each, November to March. Students solved unusual and difficult problems while thinking critically and creatively. Out of 41 DTES students- 33 earned national awards for their excellence among all the mathletes participating this year.

Our DTES students finishing in the top 50 percent of all participants worldwide include:
5th grade: Taylor M. Chloe F. Michelle H. Jennifer I. Luke M. Jack B. Dominick M. Ethan N. Noah N. Michael P. Serena P. Logan P. Katrina S. Kylie S. Abigail W.
6th grade: Lauren R. Alek P. Caleigh O. Zach M. Shaley H. Molly H. Michael D. Jordan C.
Madi B. Alex B. Cyril A. Brian S. Abby S.

Two students earned a silver pin by finishing in the top 90-97 percentile of all mathletes.
6th grade: Cassidy B. Robert G.
Two students earned a gold pin for finishing in the top 2 percent worldwide.
6th grade: Danny C. Alex M.
Danny C. was our top DTES competitor with a score of 23 of 25. He was awarded the DTES trophy, for his outstanding performance!
The DTES team earned National Math Olympiad High Achievement award for finishing in the 80-89th percentile.

Moving on? Should you be leaving Desert Trails, and you would prefer to not receive my communications, please be sure to unsubscribe to this blog. If I could do it for you, I would... however your activating this account- requires you to deactivate it. Thank you!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Great Parents!/What a Great Year!

Don't ever let it be said that Desert Trails' parents aren't involved at school- take a look at the picture and you will see two Desert Trails' parents who got dressed up to participate in second grade- Mrs. Maule's Joker Journal. If you can't tell- the parents are Mrs. Suzanne van Dobben & Mr. Philip Fortnam. For the kids- they went all out!

As I have looked back on the accomplishments this school year, I am blown away!!!
The saying is true: Together, we can do much! After this year, I say- Together, we can do more than we ever dreamed possible. From the academic success of our students, day in and day out to see our children, parents & teachers smiling, rolling up sleeves and working collaboratively with School Council, Safety Team, and PTO, all the way to the tiny seed of a dream for our students to have-- the D.ream T.ech (now known as the Imagination Center)...Desert Trails has success painted all over it's happy face!!!
None of this could have been accomplished without YOU, our parents!! You have held our hands and walked this walk with us this year-- and again, I thank you. Your financial support, your words of encouragement, your acts of gratitude kept our fires burning to soar higher!!
I wish you all a wonderful summer full of fun, safety, and special memories. For specifically our younger students, but all students attended, we brought in the Phx. Fire Dept. to share Water Safety & Fire Safety tips. I hope your 6th graders will share with you the presentation I shared with them on Internet safety- Digital Footprint. It is part of our COMPASS 2015 Digital Citizenship 21st Century Skills goals.
I trust they learned something and will be ever more vigilant about what they post and who they are talking with on the Internet.
As news comes my way throughout the summer I will be posting through this blog to stay in touch with you. Student placement will be released through Infinite Campus this year on August 8th. Also, mark your calendar, as school resumes August 11. !EVERY DAY COUNTS!
I eagerly look forward to next year~

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kinder Link/AIMS Results/Videos in the classroom

I thought you would enjoy watching a few of our "most precious resources".... our kinder students!!!
A handful of Desert Trails' kindergarten students were paid a visit by Smart Family Channel 15. and asked "Why is Kindergarten so special?"
Click on the link at the top of my blog to watch this adorable footage!!


The state test results that will be mailed by the district to student homes this summer will be Grade 10, 11, and 12 AIMS Math, Reading, Writing and Grade 10 Science results.

AIMS/SAT 10 test results for Grades 2 through 9 will be provided to students when they return to school in August. If parents would like their student copy earlier, they will be available for parent pickup from July 5-14 in the Assessment Department office located at the PVUSD District Office at 15002 N. 32nd St. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday, from 6:30am-5:00pm. The Assessment Department phone number is 602-449-2016. Please call in advance so staff can locate your student’s individual copies. You will need identification verifying your relationship to the student.

Videos in the classroom can enhance the learning experience in a number of ways. But more times than not when students get home they simply relay "we watched a movie all day!!!!" I can assure you this is not the case! More times than not, teachers are simply showing a clip or section to emphasize a deeper understanding for the students. At the end of the year, teachers will wrap up their curriculum units with a special video for the students to not only enjoy but extend learning. I have asked all grade levels to send home notification should they be showing a video, so you are aware and not caught off guard. Your permission will also be required on some videos per District policy. If you have any questions be sure to talk to your child's teacher!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speak Up!/Assemblies/May Events/PTO link

This just in~
Project Tomorrow has nominated your school, Desert Trails, for "Speak Up 200". These are the top 200 schools in the nation based on total student participation, length of participation, sharing of data, etc.. Congratulations!!!
I want to again thank you for helping to lead the district, state and nation - the Top 200 is an authentic distinction of participation - I hope you get it.
Thanks to D.T. Students, Parents, and Staff for participating in this project! We will know in September if we win!

Partnershipping with the Phoenix Fire Department this year has allowed us to offer our students assemblies on Water Safety, Bike Safety, and Fire Safety! Our students have thoroughly enjoyed these learning opportunities! I hope you have been seeing some of the literature coming home so the conversation/learning can continue on being safe, especially over the summer!!!
School Council is looking into more opportunities to bring the Phoenix Fire Department to Desert Trails next year!!!

May Events~
5/2 School Council meeting 7:45am
5/4 - 5/5 Fourth Gd. to the Grand Canyon
5/5 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
5/6 Nurse's Day
5/8 Happy Mother's Day to our DT Moms!
5/9 - 5/12 Sixth Gd. Human Growth classes
5/13 Fire Safety Assemblies
5/13 Choral Concert @ DT 6:30pm
5/19 STAR Citizens go to lunch with Mrs. Lee
5/19 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
5/24 Band Concert @ PHS 7pm
5/26 Half Day~students dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch) Last day of school

PTO link~
At the top of my blog you will find a PTO Survey link. Please take just a minute and give your input/feedback to PTO. They will use this data to plan for the new school year. They appreciate hearing from you!!! Thank you,

Monday, May 2, 2011

PTO Survey/Immunizations/A Twist!

PTO is seeking your input to assist the new officers in determining their direction for the 2011-2012 school year. They want to hear from you~so please take just a minute. You'll need to visit my blog, as all links are posted there. Thank you!

Paradise Valley Unified School District and Scottsdale Healthcare will host an immunization clinic for students needing immunizations to comply with 2011­2012 school entry requirements.
Immunizations are provided free of charge.
Student must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. Remember to bring child’s blue Lifetime Immunization Record and the immunization referral letter received from your school nurse (if applicable).
Date: Time: Location:
Friday, May 13, 2011 3:00 – 7:00 PM Cholla Complex Multi‐purpose Room 3602 East Cholla Phoenix, AZ 85028

A twist in our calendar for the start of school! Students return August 11, on a THURSDAY! Due to this calendar change, and three days of professional development, the teachers feel they will not have enough time to be ready to welcome students as in the past at the Ice Cream Social. This year teachers will welcome students on the first day of school~August 11!!! Since most grade levels now rotate teaching certain units, students end up having all of the teachers in that grade level throughout the year. To ease this transition of moving to the next grade level, we will be having a Meet the Teacher's Day!!! A special day is being planned for each grade level to visit next year's teachers, visit the "new" classrooms and at our end of the year assembly we will have all teachers come up for a very special introduction! Thank you for understanding and allowing teachers to plan and prepare for your child the best they can!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Over!/Playground Help/T.V. Showcase

Everyone--- take a deep breath! AIMS is behind us! A huge THANK YOU to parents who worked with us supporting their student(s), and allowed great kids to do their best!!! Your support was felt and appreciated by all. As soon as I get information on when and how AIMS results will be released I will let you know.

Are you willing and available to help us out on the playground during the month of May? If you have just "one day" and can volunteer between/from 11:30-1:00 we can sure use your help.
If just 3 parents per GRADE-one parent per class-volunteered in the month of May, these extra set of eyes, ears, and hands will further ensure our student's safety.
If you are interested, Mrs. Schulman, (DT parent) is willing to coordinate this endeavor.
Please email her at Thank you!

SMART FAMILY CHANNEL 15 AT DESERT TRAILS-- where they interviewed our Kindergartens in preparation of Kindergarten Appreciation Day on April 21.
The Smart Family program will aire the D.T. students at 3:30, Thursday, April 21.
You won't want to miss it!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Parent Input Form

Each year right after AIMS I have been sending out the Parent Input Form. Why? Because I value your input. This is a vehicle that parents can use to help us with placement for the upcoming school year, IF, you feel your child needs special accommodations. As you know, we do not take teacher requests, but will try our very best to place all student according to several factors: academics, gender, behavior, special needs, medical needs, etc...
The Cluster rooms are also one more consideration that we deal with. As we work with the district and the formula they provide, I have once again invited Dr. Brulles, District Gifted Director, to join us during placement so we ensure balanced & strong learning communities.
Your form must be turned in by April 25th to be considered in our placement. Feel free to write on the back of the form to provide more information. The information you provide is held confidential and is only viewed by me. Please keep in mind although I value your input, that doesn't necessarily mean I can meet all desires. However, I give you my word we will do our very best. Please refer to the Student Handbook posted on-line for more information regarding Student Placement.
For those of you reading this blog through your inbox, you will need to go to the actual blog site where all links are available. Thank you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Almost Finished/Welcome & Goodbye/6th gr. Parents

Monday and Tuesday this week will be AIMS make-up! We have several students involved in completing their testing. With that in mind, we will continue to ask volunteers/parents to not come into school, so once again we can provide a quiet/no distraction environment.
On that note~ THANK YOU for allowing us to accomplish just that last week. I know it was hard to stay away, but it was greatly appreciated by all.

Welcome new PTO Officers~ Mrs. Bakkila & Mrs. Porambo & Mrs. Wheelock & Mrs. Shiel. These ladies are excited and ready to bring fresh ideas, family events, and new ways of fundraising to Desert Trails. Please be sure to join the PTO with our new school year. Your support is every important in these difficult budget days. We can't do the great things we do, without you!!

Good-Bye & THANK YOU~ As we welcome incoming parents, we must also say goodbye to those who have served on the PTO. Jen Mozilo, out-going President has done a wonderful job. I have appreciated her support and dedication to the students and staff for the past 2 years.
She has earned a well deserved rest!! Thank you Jen, for all you have done! Also, we will say good-bye to Lisa Henderson & Linda Powell. Both ladies have done a great job and been very supportive. They too are looking forward to a well deserved rest! Thank you ladies for your hard work, support, and dedication to the students and staff!

Monday, April 25 at 7pm we will be holding our Human Growth & Sexuality course for all parents of 6th graders. This very important information is presented to parents first so you can make a knowledgeable decision about having your child take part in the program. No students allowed at Parent Night.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

AIMS/Student Placement

AIMS reminders: Grades 2-6 Dates~ April 10-15. To create the best testing environment as possible we will not be having K-6 parent helpers, K-6 volunteers during AIMS. We want to provide every child the opportunity to do their best with the least interruptions as possible. We also ask that you not make or to please reschedule appointments during the week of AIMS that would cause your student to come/go or arrive late. Our testing protocol takes all students into account for the best results. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Should your child experience "pre-butterflies" regarding AIMS, please suggest to them Study Island. This is a service provided to our 2-6 students, that is correlated to AIMS. Students can do Study Island in the "game" mode or "test" mode or "both!"
Achieving Blue Ribbons is a good way to build confidence & skills!
Also, a good breakfast and restful night's sleep is always helpful when students need to be at their best!

Parent Input forms will be coming out right after AIMS. I will post the form on this blog through a link. You will actually have to go to this site (instead of reading through your in-box), to reach the link. Your input is a valuable piece to our process of Student Placement. I appreciate hearing from you. Please remember we do not honor teacher requests, but do our very best to build cohesive, balanced classrooms. Be looking for more information after AIMS.

Friday, March 25, 2011

April Events

Apr. 4 Students and Staff return from Spring Break!
Apr. 4 School Council meeting 7:45 am Principal's Office
Apr. 5 Author Mark Teague here 9:15 am
Apr. 7 Gov. Board meeting 7 pm District Office
Apr. 8 Spring Fling! 4:00-7:00 pm DTES Playground
Apr. 11-15 AIMS
Apr. 13 PTO General meeting 7 pm DTES Library
Apr. 19 Early Release St. dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch)
Apr. 20 UPC meeting 10:15 am District Office
Apr. 21 Gov. Board meeting 7 pm District Office
Apr. 22 NO SCHOOL- Recess
Apr. 28 STAR Citizen Lunch with Mrs. Lee Mimi's Cafe
Apr. 29 Water Safety & Bike Safety Assemblies 9:15 & 10 am

Spring has Sprung/AIMS/Poetry/Fine Arts

I want to take the chance to wish each family a wonderful Spring Break! We will look for everyone on Monday, April 4th!

AIMS reminders: Grades 2-6 Dates~ April 10-15. To create the best testing environment as possible we will not be having K-6 parent helpers, K-6 volunteers during AIMS. We want to provide every child the opportunity to do their best with the least interruptions as possible. We also ask that you not make or to please reschedule appointments during the week of AIMS that would cause your student to come/go or arrive late. Our testing protocol takes all students into account for the best results.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Also, a good breakfast and restful night's sleep is always helpful when students need to be at their best!

Desert Trails Poetry Contest was hosted by our Reading Specialist, Mrs. Bier. This morning on live Morning Broadcast each grade level winner 1-5 read their winning poem to the entire school!
WINNERS: Wesley J. in 1st grade/ Matt M. in 2nd grade/ Jansen M. in 3rd grade/ Ashley P. in 4th grade/ Bryce H. in 5th grade!!! Each winner received a brand new journal and mechanical pencil to keep writing those winning poems! CONGRATULATIONS!

Desert Trail's Fine Arts program was highlighted last week at PVMall~ Band, Strings, Choir and Student Art work, all showcased the many talents our students have. Instructors- Mr. Stolper, Ms. Brooksby, Mrs. Linsley, and Ms. Parent are to be recognized for their hard work and dedication.
Thank you for a wonderful Fine Arts day at PVMall!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Parent Satisfaction Survey

All Parents: Please take our parent satisfaction survey! To access this survey, log into the Parent Portal. The link has been provided above. Select the survey link in your inbox at the bottom of the page. If you have not registered in the Parent Portal the link Sign Up is also posted above for you. The survey will be open for two weeks, March 11-25. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

School Council Decision

Dear Parents,
I wanted to share a heart-felt thank you for your response to our parent survey sent out last Friday. We received 319 surveys! A thank you also goes out to Jen Mozilo, PTO President, and JoAnn Polk, PTO Officer, who sat with me for nearly 2 hours tabulating the results! Jeff Gaunt, Sarah Zsanto, Deb Levins, Sue Kinsler, and Pam Newton, our School Council members- THANK YOU for following the process and being a positive part of doing what is best for kids!!!
Also, a thank you to our Director of Assessment, Dr. Rob Allen, who digested our data and created graphs that could be accurately interpreted.

School Council met this morning and used the entire hour to understand, learn more, listen, give input, hear all sides, think through all possible scenarios, and come to a 100% consensus. Our goal was to make the best decision for ALL Desert Trails' students. Taking into consideration parent and staff input, School Council decided to reduce Computers to a .5 position, leaving intact all of our very special, Special Areas.
Although the decision did not come easily, as the Council members were well aware that a beloved staff member would not be returning to Desert Trails. At this time for the 2011-2012 school year our Special Areas will be:
P.E: Coach E. Computers: Mrs. Taub Library: Mrs. Taub Art: Ms. Parent Music: Mrs. Lindley
It is with a heavy heart that we will say good-bye to Mrs. Baldetti. New this year to Desert Trails, Mrs. Baldetti quickly found a home in the hearts of students, staff, and parents.

Monday, March 7, 2011

PV Showcase/New Gov. Board Members/Kinder Round-Up

Saturday, March 19 from 10 am to 6 pm at Paradise Valley Mall thousands of PV students ranging from elementary to high school level will showcase their talents during this day-long festival. Various art mediums including performances, visuals, theatre, dance and more....concert bands, string orchestras, choirs, jazz bands, theatre improvisation and dance troups will perform throughout the day! Every 20 minutes the look and feel will change as the students perform to entertain all PV students, families, and guests! This very special event is free!

Congratulations to Mrs. Nancy Case as she moves into the position of Governing Board President~Mrs. Julie Bacon is one of the new Governing Board Members~Mr. Mark Lane is also a new Governing Board Member. Dr. Skidmore and Mrs. Greenburg continue their positions as Governing Board Members. The Governing Board meets at the district office every first and third Thursday evening at 7 pm. Meetings are open to the public.

Kindergarten Round-Up started today!! We anxiously await our new students and are hosting a night on Tuesday, March 8 to show-off our wonderful Kinder Teachers, our fabulous Special Areas, the new Imagination Center and lots more! Send any incoming Kinder students our way for this special event. 5:00-7:00 pm

Reminder of March Events

3/4 Safety Meeting 8:00am
3/9 Change: School Council 8 am
3/7 Kindergarten Round-Up Starts!
3/8 Incoming K- Parent night 5-7pm
3/9 District Field Day
3/16 4th gr. Grand Canyon Parent Meeting 6:30pm
3/17 STAR Students go to lunch with Mrs. Lee
3/17 Gov. Board Meeting 7pm
3/19 DTES Strings Performance PV MALL 2:00pm
3/23 Strings Performance DTES 7pm
3/28-4/1 Spring Break- No School

Friday, March 4, 2011


Parents, please be looking for a purple flyer coming home with your child today. This will be your opportunity to give input to a very important decision regarding Special Areas for the 2011-2012 school year. The purple flyer must be returned on Monday, March 7 and will be reviewed by School Council. I want to hear from you, so please take just a minute to fill the purple flyer out and get it right back into your child's backpack!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


In case you missed channel 10 last night, I have provided the link above that shows Desert Trails making a move into the future! Enjoy-

March Events
3/3 Gov. Board Meeting 7pm
3/4 Safety Meeting 8:00am
3/7 School Council 7:45am
3/7 Kindergarten Round-Up Starts!
3/8 Incoming K- Parent night 5-7pm
3/9 District Field Day
3/16 4th gr. Grand Canyon Parent Meeting 6:30pm
3/17 STAR Students go to lunch with Mrs. Lee
3/17 Gov. Board Meeting 7pm
3/19 DTES Strings Performance PV MALL 2:00pm
3/23 Strings Performance DTES 7pm
3/28-4/1 Spring Break- No School

AIMS dates this year are as follows: April 11 through April 18. PLEASE, do not make appointments for your child(ren) if at all possible during the testing days.
Planning now for a good breakfast, restful nights of sleep, and a good attitude will support your child(ren) to do their very best!!
Thank you for your help.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

D.T. in the News!

Channel 10 was here this morning filming in our new Imagination Center. Students from Mrs. Sanders & Mrs. Worsham's classrooms were busy at work with the ipads, mac books, flip cameras and also doing their Famous Americans in the green screen room.
The footage will be shown tonight at 5 & 6 PM on Channel 10! Hope you can catch it!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Catalina Departure Day

2/25 9:15 California time
We have just finished another hearty breakfast, cleaned our dorms, packed all bags, rolled up sleeping bags, and students are now participating/learning in the last labs of our program.
We are scheduled to hop on the ferry at approx. 11:30- getting us back to Long Beach at 2:00.
Our phone tree will start once we reach Long Beach!
The light sprinkles of rain started about 30 minutes ago, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be ahead of the showers expected today!
Once again, we have just had a wonderful trip! Every student was on their best behavior, and everyone had a great time! We learned a lot, did a lot, and saw a lot! Your child will come home with some great stories to share with you! Be sure to ask about: Gaga ball, Manly (the bison), the hike, the bon-fire, plankton, sharks, finger eggs, the birthday cake, squid ink, tree bark, edible plants, creatures of the night, sea glass, and the practice fire drill. These experiences will surely get your child talking! Next contact will be the phone tree!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day Two~Catalina!

5:15 pm
Our day began with a hearty breakfast: waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, muffins, oatmeal, juice, fresh fruit, cereal, and danish. This was all in an effort to prepare us for a morning of snorkeling!
The sun was shining, and off into the ocean we ventured. Garabaldi, sea weed, and other ocean life was spotted! Then, after lunch we went to labs and on a beautiful hike. We learned about flora & fauna and the ocean food chain. Tonight we have planned more hands-on labs, "Creatures of the Night," and a bon-fire-- equipped with marshmallows!!!
The students are participating fully and everyone is having a great time!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Greetings from Catalina!

Our 6th grade students have spent a successful day in Catalina. We arrived on the island with a warm welcome from a team of dolphin and a whale or two! The sun was shining today, and partly cloudy at times. Tonight, the air is chilly~but so far we have hiked, performed plankton labs, had lunch & dinner, received our T-shirts & sweatshirts, visited "manly" the camp bison, and currently all students are participating in the squid disection!
Tomorrow we rise and shine at 7:00 for breakfast and then down to the beach by 9:00 for snorkeling! We are expecting another beautiful day!
Well, I must get back to the "ink" experiment! Good night, from all of us! More tomorrow!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Match/Dance/McTeacher Technology Night

Once again, the Parents at Desert Trails stepped up and supported GREAT things happening at school. Your donations, $2000.00 during the District Match, has given us $4000.00 to put toward technology! Thanks goes out to all of our parents, and to PTO.
We can accomplish much when we work together!Thank you!

Sweetheart Dance~ Poodle skirts, and slicked back hair were just some of the fun spirit shared by all last night! Thanks to PTO for hosting the event for students and parents to come together!

McTeacher Technology Night~ Feb. 17th 4:30-7:30 Tatum & Bell your favorite teachers will be once again working to serve you up a delicious Happy Meal. Come and help support technology at Desert Trails with our last fundraiser this semester!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tatum & Pinnacle Peak Road Project

This notification is from the City of Phoenix. 24 Hr. Construction Hotline: 602.956.2670

The city of Phoenix will hold an open house on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011 to discuss the intersection improvements planned for Tatum Boulevard and Pinnacle Peak Road. Please stop by any time from
5 to 7 p.m. to learn more about the project and to speak with city representatives. The open house will be located at Pinnacle High School Cafeteria, 3535 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix, Arizona.
Historically this intersection floods following a hard rain, the project's improvements will significantly improve drainage. Improvements will include raising the elevation of the intersection, installing two eight foot by six foot concrete drainage box culverts, installing new street lights and restoring the area with salvaged trees from the project site.
Construction will begin in late February; the project is scheduled to be complete September 2011. Construction work hours will be 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; hours will vary with seasonal changes. Construction crews will work weekends, if needed.
The contractor first will box and remove all healthy trees and plants located in the area of the temporary detour road for replanting at the end of the project. Next, a temporary detour road will be constructed east of Tatum Boulevard. Finally, construction crews will install the box culverts under the roadway from the southwest to the northeast corner of the intersection, and will pave and install new traffic signals in the intersection.
The temporary detour road will provide access during construction, however, Pinnacle Peak Road will be closed on the west side of Tatum Boulevard for approximately six months. During the closure, eastbound Pinnacle Peak Road traffic will not have access to Tatum Boulevard. Signs will be put into place to notify commuters of the closure date.
Please allow extra time to travel, as there may be traffic delays. In addition, do not move barricades or traffic signs as they are in place for the safety of commuters and crews working on the project.
Please do not go into the construction work area until the project is completed for your safety and the safety of others. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PV Schools Community 5K Run

Come and join the run/walk!!!
Saturday, Feb. 12 at Horizon High School (5601 E. Greenway)
Event chip-timed by All Arizona Running Events. Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers, male and female, in each age division: 11-14/15-19/20-29/30-39/40-49/50-59/60-69/and 70+
How to register: Feb. 5 through Feb.11 at or Day of registration available at Horizon High School. Adults $15/Children 15-19 $5/Children and under free (parental supervision required) Find the flyer on our school website or drop by the office!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Conferences/PowerHour/Match/Feb. Events

If February give much snow, a fine Summer it doth foreshow (Old English Proverb)
Perhaps the Mid-West & the East Coast can hang on to that positive thought these next few weeks! Arizona is the place to be!

PARENT~TEACHER CONFERENCES went very well and the cherry on top was the extra pleasure of opening our D.ream Lab! It was euphoric to see how excited parents, students, and teachers were to see this wonderful addition to our school. This D.ream Lab is the only one in PVUSD that offers students K-6 a variety of technology: ipads, mac books, green screen room, clickers, and flip cameras. I am currently in the process of getting Skype up and running with a webcam for world wide connections. In just one week of talking with parents, our school has made possible world connections with Singapore, China, London, Rome, and India! How exciting and global reaching is that? We believe our advancements in technology will not only successfully prepare our students for their world- but will open up the world to them! I can't wait to take this journey with them & you! Thank you for all of your support!

POWER HOUR is our new before & after school homework club. If you would like to get your child signed up, classes are starting now!
See your child's teacher, or drop by the office for the permission slip and information! We currently have before & after school classes starting. This POWER HOUR will provide a quiet place for homework to get done and one on one support.

H opportunity will end this week. PTO sent home a letter and a half sheet during Parent~Teacher Conferences in hopes to let you know of this great chance to double our funds. Whether your donation is $5 or $500 all monies will be matched by the District. The matching funds will allow us to put more technology into our student's hands! Speaking of more technology~in my next blog I will be able to share some very exciting news about a new pilot~Desert Trails was selected to participate in. It might have to do with Chrome...

February Events
Feb. 3 Governing Board meeting 7pm
Feb. 7 School Council meeting 7:45am
Feb. 8 Early Release-Students Dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch)
Feb. 11 PTO Dance 7-9pm (students must come with a parent~parent must stay~no drop offs)
Feb. 15 4th Grade Field Day
Feb. 16 5th Grade Field Day
Feb. 17 6th Grade Field Day
Feb. 17 STAR Student Lunch with Mrs. Lee
Feb. 17 McTeacher Technology Night at McDonalds (watch for special quest!)
Feb. 21 NO SCHOOL President's Day
Feb. 23 6th Grade leaves for Catalina 11pm meet in the cafeteria
Feb. 24 Governing Board meeting 7pm
Feb. 25 6th Grade returns from Catalina 9-10pm

Monday, January 24, 2011

D.ream Lab Officially Open!

Today we open our door to the future ----
Our D.ream Lab, has a new name submitted by Kara & Trevor C.---
Imagination Center~ Sowing seeds of imagination!!!

Thanks goes out to so many people and we could not have done this without their support:
Lauri McNeill, Jon Hanna, Mr. Preston, Mrs. Preston, Leslie Preston, Sandi Worsham, Mr. Worsham, Dave & Linda Cook, Sherri Sanders, and the entire Technology Committee.
So many hands took part, big and small, to see our D.ream come true!
Please be sure to stop by during Parent~Teacher Conferences this week and see the future!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Flu? Cold? Can you tell the difference?

If the flu hasn't hit your household---keep doing what your doing! But it's that time of year
and as a precaution this is a reminder to please keep your child(ren) home if they are showing symptoms such as: fever, body aches, chills, vomiting, or diarrhea. We are seeing several cases here at Desert Trails and sending students home.
This bug is highly contagious and as a consideration for other students, teachers, and staff we expect that children stay home so they can recover properly. Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours with no medication, before returning to school.
If you have questions about symptoms, Nurse Julie has posted outside her office door some information. Also, feel free to call Nurse Julie with any questions you may have that could help you determine whether your child should stay home or not.
Thank you for your attention to keeping everyone healthy during this season of passing germs!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Power Hour/Islands/Conferences/D.ream

In an effort to be efficient with our Tax Credits we are excited to announce a new club for our Desert Trails' students. POWER HOUR will be a combo tutor/homework POWER HOUR for any student looking to have a quiet place to work while under the guidance of a Desert Trails' highly qualified teacher!!! The flyer is coming home to all students- Tuesday, Jan. 18! Be watching for it!

Islands at Desert Ridge~
Tuesday, Jan. 18th 5:00-8:00 is our PTO Family Night Out! Come have dinner with your teachers & friends, and help support Desert Trails! Side note: 6th grade parents, there is plenty of time to hit Islands, then join us for the Catalina meeting starting at 6:30!

Parent-Teacher Conferences~
Monday, Jan. 24 through Thursday, Jan. 27 we will be hosting a special time for you to meet with your child's teacher! This is a great time to check in on second semester goals and to hear the many accomplishments your child has enjoyed!
Conference forms have gone out, and teachers will soon be confirming your date and time.

D.ream T.ech Lab~
We are working feverishly to get the D.ream T.ech Lab open for the launching date--Jan. 24! Many, many, many THANKS to Mrs. McNeill for all of her time, design ideas, effort, and support to get this D.ream to come true!! Be sure to stop in and see the ipads, flip cameras, and mac books that we are anxious to put into the academic day. Also, while in the lab be sure to peek in on the up and coming Green Screen room!

Welcome to Mrs. Kristi Darnell~
Our new teacher is on board in 5th grade! We are very happy to have her join our team!
Mrs. Darnell comes to D.T. with experience teaching 5th grade in California, is a Desert Ridge resident, and looks forward to meeting our wonderful D.T. families!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Report Cards Posted Online

In the Parent Portal you will now find your child's report card for second quarter grades. If you have not visited the Portal yet, you will find the links above "Sign Up &Parent Portal Info." for you to obtain a username and password. For parents who opted to receive a hard copy of the report card, they will be going home today. Feel free to contact your child's teacher or the school office at 602.449.4100 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bike Safety/Crosswalks & Zones/Stranger FYI

Bike Safety---
At Desert Trails our students must be in grades 4-5-6 to ride their bike to school. Please review these safety tips and help keep your child safe by reminding them occasionally about the rules of the road.
Here are some important tips to discuss with your child.
· Always wear a helmet.
· Pay attention. Cars are bigger than bikes and the driver may not see you.
· Ride on the right side of the road or trail in a single line in the same direction as other vehicles. Small children should be accompanied by a parent walking or riding nearby.
· Stop completely at intersections and get off of your bike. Walk your bike in the crosswalk, obeying the crosswalk signals.
· Know and use hand signals when turning and stopping.
· A bicycle bell helps pedestrians know you are nearby and helps prevent crashes.

It's the law---
Crosswalks & Zones are clearly marked and identified for drivers. Should children or the Duty Aide be in any part of the crosswalk at any time, cars are not to cross until they are on the sidewalk. Please do not park or drop off/pick up in the NO PARKING ZONE within the crosswalk area. Staggering your drop off or pick up time could help alleviate the 8:50 and 3:00 crunch.
Thank you for helping us make Desert Trails a safe place to be!

At approximately 2:45 p.m. on Jan. 3, Shadow Mountain students were approached on 31st street south of Shea Blvd by a male with a Russian accent in a gold sedan and asked to purchase their socks. We experienced similar incidents earlier this school year. The students are safe and the incident has been reported to the Phoenix Police Department.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year/Stranger Danger/January Events

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a very nice Winter Break. Thank you from all of us for the delicious cookies, treats, and thoughtful gifts. We appreciate your thinking of us and we appreciate your kindness!

Stranger Danger Alerts~At our last School Council meeting we decided the following:
When a Stranger Danger occurs within PVUSD I will post that information on this blog, as an FYI for you. When a Stranger Danger occurs in the surrounding areas to Desert Trails I will continue to send a letter home, and I will also post that information on this blog. All in an effort to keep parents informed and our children safe. Please see the information I received today:

This morning at approximately 7:00 AM while walking to the bus stop near 44th Street and Thunderbird, a PVHS student was approached by a male in a green pickup truck. The student describes the man as Hispanic, in his 40's and has a moustache. The student is safe and the incident has been reported to the Phoenix Police Department.

January Events
1/3 School resumes
1/10 School Council meeting 7:45am
1/10 PTO meeting 7pm
1/11 Half Day School Out at 12:30 (No lunch)
1/13 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
1/17 MLK Day No School
1/18 6th grade parents Catalina meeting 6:30pm
1/18 PTO Nights Out @ Islands
1/24 D.ream T.ech Lab opens! Be sure to stop in!
1/24-27 Parent~Teacher Conferences
1/27 Half Day School Out at 12:30 (No lunch)
1/28 Half Day School Out at 12:30 (No lunch)