Moving forward to save money- You will soon see solar structures at Desert Trails! We are very excited to be one of the first in the state to take advantage of this savings incentive by APS and the Arizona Corporation Commission. To make sure you have accurate information, I have attached articles at the top of my blog that you may read, should you want more information. Remember, you must go to my actual blog to get to the articles. They are located at the top under the solar headings. In Paradise Valley we are proud of our fiscal management, and want you to know in these tough economic times the district is doing everything we can to maximize the money we receive from taxpayers.
Red Ribbon Week Happenings-
Monday~ Winner's Don't Do Drugs! Kick off the week with a fun run-wear your team jersey!
Tuesday~ Give Drugs the Boot! Western Wear!
Wednesday~ Drugs Are No Match For Us! Mismatch day!
Thursday~ Peace Out to Drugs! Wear peace signs!
Friday~ Just Say No! Wear Red! Helicopter arrives at Desert Trails!!! (9:30ish)
THANKS to Andres O. for all of her hard work putting together this special week.
Please find an article, provided by Andrea, that you may find helpful!