Sunday, November 13, 2011


At Desert Trails we strive to Cultivate World Thinkers but we also take an active role in cultivating community awareness~

From Our Tents To Yours
is a partnership between Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and local schools. The Sheriff's Office will be assembling and shipping soldier care packages to our troops. If you would like to let the men and women who serve our country know that we are thinking about them this season of giving, please see the attached list of needs. Then simply drop your item(s) off at school. The program runs Nov. 14-21st.

PTO and Shoebox Ministry is currently collecting warm, new socks for all size feet! Desert Trails has always been a big contributor in stepping up and providing warm socks for those less fortunate. This year we will be collecting Nov. 14 through Nov. 18th. Drop off at school all this week!

Do you know any "Twi-Hards"? Breaking Dawn comes out Friday November 18 and if you know anyone who wants to be one of the first to see it here in the Valley, then you need to pass on this fantastic info. The attached flyer "TWILIGHT" has details for the midnight showing at the new Studio Movie Grill in Scottsdale. A $20 dollar donation gets you a ticket to the movie and popcorn with proceeds going to Jordan's Jungle! Jordan is a past Desert Trails student who created his service oriented outreach to assist ill children. You'll also get a pass for two free movies at Studio Movie Grill, so it's basically a wash and it benefit's charity!!! What could be better? For more info on Jordan's Jungle, please check out