As our 2009-2010 first semester has come to a close as of today, I couldn't miss this chance to wish all of our wonderful Desert Trails' families a safe, restful, and fun-filled Winter Break!
My heartfelt thanks for all of the goodies and treats delivered to our Office all week long; and please know the high sugar content kept us in good shape for the busy week!! Especially a warm thanks to the Babcock, Francis, Godwin, Piper, Hurley, Ceccarelli, Malvick, Priester, Garcia, Rounds, Mora and Piper families for the huge trays full of homemade cookies! We all feel appreciated and loved. Our hope is to reflect that appreciation and love back to your children each and every day. We have a wonderful school, full of excellent, dedicated teachers...but as I have said before we couldn't do what we do without you. Thank you for your support and sending us your beautiful children each and every day. Happy~Happy Holidays!!! See you January 4, 2010.