School Council Parking Lot Blitz...
Thanks to the members of the Desert Trails' School Council as they came to school and shared Tax Credit flyers/information with parents. This was new information for some parents, and a good reminder for others! Our Tax Credit goes to our before and after school enrichment classes, field trip scholarships and much more for our students at Desert Trails.
The January survey is right around the corner. If you have a question you would like the School Council to consider for the survey please email one of our representatives: Parent~Lynn Parent~Jeff Teacher~Sue Kinsler-skinsler@pvschoolsnet/ Teacher~Pam Community~Dina Classified~Kim
We will need your question before our next School Council meeting-Dec.14th. Thank you!
Mollen Follow-up...
A Follow-up clinic will be held on Dec. 18, 2009. Both the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine will be available. The purpose of this Follow up clinic is to provide those students who are 9 years or younger, an opportunity to receive the H1N1 booster vaccine. Registration is available on line at
School clinic hours are 9:00-2:00 Call Mollen clinic for more information at 480.214.2000
Report Cards and a different time-line...
The Paradise Valley Unifed School District reporting system is going away and as of 2010 we will be up and running with a new program, Infinite Campus. Due to this transition all district elementary teachers have been asked to enter their grades into our current system no later than Dec. 18th. This effort will make sure grades are transferred, safe, and ready to go for the report card issue date, January 22. Teachers will be communicating all comments, progress, and student goals with parents at our Parent~Teacher conferences -Jan. 25-28.
Infinite Campus offers a wonderful Parent Portal that you will find to be a supportive resource to keeping in-step with your child's academic progress. More information will follow as soon as the system is up and running.