Dear Families, Please feel free to attend the following district event!
The Paradise Valley Unified School District acknowledges the support of the community in supporting an override that supports the infusion of technology into the teaching environment. MediaFest 2010: Creating Community, will take place on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, at Shadow Mountain High School. Guests will be able to view video submissions from students and faculty member from schools from across the district. Video viewing is available in the SMHS cafeteria beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Celebration Awards ceremony begins at 6:45 in the SMHS auditorium, and video viewing will continue for another thirty minutes upon the conclusion of the awards ceremony.
A student-produced video, along with a staff-produced video was selected to represent each school site at the district MediaFest 2010 event. This year's D.T. winner was J. Heywood, N. Moffo, and D. Porambo from Mr. Carlson's class! Our staff-produced video will be posted soon on our school website for you to enjoy! This event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
Hope to see you there!