• The School Council tabulated the School Survey results:
School wide results:
Total responses #67
5= Strongly Agree 4= Agree 3= Disagree 2= Strongly Disagree 1= N/A
4= School Website is a good source of information
4= Mrs. Lee’s eNews is a good source of information
4= Teacher communication is timely and efficient
4= Curriculum night held in August is informational
4= The Office Staff is friendly and efficient
4= The Staff demonstrates appreciation for our Volunteers
What would you like to know more about? The top three:
1) Curriculum
2) AIMS/TerraNova/Gifted
3) Grading
Special Area results prioritized by parent input: (Highest to Lowest)
1) P.E.
2) Music
3) Art
4) Computers
5) Library
If there was one improvement you would like to see at D.T. what would it be?
Smaller class sizes and Parking Lot (pick up and drop off)
Thank you for your positive feedback!