The link is now ready to go! Thank you for your patience. Click and you will be able to read the letter from Dr. Lee. I also will now be able to share with you some other great links that I have been wanting to share (smart board, articles, etc...)
Parent~Teacher Conferences: Monday, Jan. 25 we will begin our conferences! Teachers are anxious to share with you the progress your child(ren) have made during the second and into the third quarters. I have enjoyed being in classrooms this week watching several classrooms preparing for Student-Led Portfolio conferencing.
D.I.B.E.L.S. testing is wrapping up! I have had the pleasure of once again assisting our team with this gathering of student data. I completed the testing for second graders and was truly impressed with the level of reading these students are performing at. Excellent job from both school & home!!! Keep reading!