THANK YOU P.V. voters for voting YES for Paradise Valley Students!!! Your demonstration of support boosts all of our efforts in continuing to provide an excellent education to ALL Paradise Valley Students. We're not out of the woods just yet, as our legislatures continue to debate how to fund education. We appreciate your support!
Reminders for Nov. 9-13:
11/9 Monday= Full day of school
11/10 Tuesday= Students dismissed at 12:30
11/11 Wednesday= No School Veteran's Day Recess
11/12 Thursday= Full day of school
11/13 Friday= Fully day of school
Have you ever wondered what goes on during those half days when students are gone? This year our teachers have been focusing on becoming an effective, professional learning community. This coming Tuesday our teachers will complete session 4 of The Power of Professional Learning Communities at Work by Rick DeFour. Using information from common formative assessments to set goals and to monitor progress; creating common assessments, looking at student data as a team, and focusing on results are just a some of our topics for this Tuesday. We could not have this vital professional time without your support. Thank you for supporting and protecting this time for teachers to sharpen their skills, learn some new ones, and work collaboratively together.