Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope as you gather with family and friends this week you can take a moment, as I will, to count the many blessings we have in this country. Our Desert Trails' families are certainly among mine. Enjoy your holiday!

Mollen Follow-up
A Follow-up clinic will be held on Dec. 18, 2009. Both the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine will be available. The purpose of this Follow up clinic is to provide those students who are 9 years or younger, an opportunity to recieve the H1N1 booster vaccine. Registration is available on line at www.flushotusa.com/schools
School clinic hours are 9:00-2:00 Call Mollen clinic for more information at 480.214.2000

On-Line Curriculum
Did you know you can access your child's curriculum on line right from your home? At thinkcentral.com you can access our reading program, and at pearson.com you can access our social studies and science programs. (no cost)
Having these resources at your finger tips will help keep you on the same page with your child as he/she will bring work home and need some additional support from you. Be sure to ask your child's teacher for the passwords to easily access this support. Each grade level does offer a variety of support, but it is well worth your time to check it out!!

January School Survey
Our School Council thought a mid-year school survey would be valuable, but we want to know from you what are some important questions for the survey.
If you have a question that you would like our School Council to consider for the January survey please email one of our parent representatives: Jeff Gaunt at jeff.gaunt@us.henkel.com or Lynn Clark at lynnfclark@cox.net or myself at klee@pvschools.net no later than Dec. 11th.
Be looking for the survey at our January Parent~Teacher Conference time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flu-Vision-Tax Credit-Thank you!

On Friday, Nov. 20, Mollen Clinic will be at Desert Trails offering both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu shot to all Mollen registered students and staff. If you are interested in having your child vaccinated you must go to this website www.FluShotsUSA.com/schools and register your child BEFORE Nov. 20. Also, you may contact Mollen Clinic at #480.214.2000 for further information.

Working together...
Through a collaborative effort the staff and school council members refreshed the Desert Trails' Values, Vision, and Mission statements. We are proud to share them with you.
"We think highly of...."
Children, Achievement, Respect, Kindness, Tolerance, Collaboration, Professional Relationships and Communication
"Excellence for everyone, whatever it takes"
The Vision of Desert Trails will be to continue as an excelling school featuring embedded technology throughout the learning process. Students will successfully demonstrate 21 Century Skills in a climate where they are challenged appropriately by a rigorous curriculum and taught in a high quality, student-centered learning environment. All adults in the school community will contribute to our students' success through high standards of professionalism, and continuous learning.
"Success for everyone. Do your best, nothing less"
The Mission of Desert Trails is to assure the highest level of learning for ALL students. To develop life long learners who exhibit self-discipline, global awareness and excel as independent thinkers and high achievers through a supportive partnership of staff, parents, and all community stakeholders.
Success each day~Success each child

Tax Credit Time $ $ $ PARKING LOT BLITZ $ $ $ Tax Credit Time
To help parents become aware of how valuable Tax Credits are to Desert Trails, on Dec. 4 our School Council members will be doing a PARKING LOT BLITZ. Your council members will be introducing themselves to you and handing you a Tax Credit form and answering any questions you may have about Tax Credit!!! But, in a nut shell....
Do you pay Arizona State Income Taxes? Did you know you can REDIRECT money the State collects, directly to Desert Trails? Write us a check, complete the form, and INCREASE your REFUND! You may qualify to donate up to $400 (married couple filing jointly)! Tax Credit dollars support extracurricular activities such as field trips and clubs. Desert Trails' clubs like Tutoring Club, Homework Club, Science Club, Spanish Club, Reading Support Club, GenYes, Sports Club, and many more are offered at nominal fees because of our Tax Credit donations. Forms are available on our district web site http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/taxCreditInfo.htm. Get it in before our office closes on December 18th, or make sure it is post marked by December 31, 2009! THANK YOU!!!

Thank you to...
GENISIS Church who currently meets at Desert Trails on Sundays for providing goodies and treats to our teachers during our last in-service day!
Albertson's for providing STARBUCKS coffee for Coffee with the Principal

Friday, November 6, 2009

M & O Override Passes

THANK YOU P.V. voters for voting YES for Paradise Valley Students!!! Your demonstration of support boosts all of our efforts in continuing to provide an excellent education to ALL Paradise Valley Students. We're not out of the woods just yet, as our legislatures continue to debate how to fund education. We appreciate your support!

Reminders for Nov. 9-13:
11/9 Monday= Full day of school
11/10 Tuesday= Students dismissed at 12:30
11/11 Wednesday= No School Veteran's Day Recess
11/12 Thursday= Full day of school
11/13 Friday= Fully day of school

Have you ever wondered what goes on during those half days when students are gone? This year our teachers have been focusing on becoming an effective, professional learning community. This coming Tuesday our teachers will complete session 4 of The Power of Professional Learning Communities at Work by Rick DeFour. Using information from common formative assessments to set goals and to monitor progress; creating common assessments, looking at student data as a team, and focusing on results are just a some of our topics for this Tuesday. We could not have this vital professional time without your support. Thank you for supporting and protecting this time for teachers to sharpen their skills, learn some new ones, and work collaboratively together.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4 update:

Flu Shots!
On Friday, Nov. 20, Mollen Clinic will be at Desert Trails offering both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu shot to all Mollen registered students and staff. If you are interested in having your child vaccinated you must go to this website www.FluShotsUSA.com/schools and register your child BEFORE Nov. 20. Also, you may contact Mollen Clinic at #480.214.2000 for further information.

SPEAK-UP 2009! Paradise Valley has obtained a unique perspective from over 13,000 students annually (k-12), 670 teachers (K-12) and 70 administrators (K-12) about the direction and trends in technology in education (school and home). We've been able to note the significant ownership of cell and smart phones from 3rd grade and up, and the desire/demand by our teachers to increase online professional development. This year Paradise Valley would like to expand this perspective by asking parents to take the SPEAK-Up survey. Your participation will allow us valuable insight for continual improvement. The survey can be take at the following link http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/index.html once there look for Take Survey and follow the directions. The password is "future." The window closes Dec. 18. Thank you for speaking up!!

CONGRATULATIONS to our Kindness Committee chaired by Mrs. Toenjes, for receiving a matching Character Education grant!!! Mrs. Toenjes and Mrs. Moss, a parent who serves on the Kindness committee, worked to gather data and complete the grant application. This grant will provide financial support for the 2010 Kindness Retreat coming this spring!!!

PLAY TIME AT SCHOOL?~ That's right. At Desert Trails we understand children need to play! The best time is at their lunch recess in the sunshine and fresh air. So the Kindness committee is asking any interested parents to come to school and play!! The turn out has been great with parents volunteering to host a walking club, a chalk drawing contest, and many other fun activities offered by you, our fantastic parents. The students love it, and we appreciate it!!!
Anyone interested please contact Mrs. Toenjes at ktoenjes@pvschools.net Thank you!