On Friday, Oct. 23 we celebrated taking a stand and saying No To Drugs by waving in the landing of the DEA helicopter! A Desert Trails first!!!
Students arrived out back around 9:20 and a few minutes later the helicopter could be seen flying overhead showcasing the arrival. The students brought their RED RIBBON hands to wave the helicopter to a safe landing in the Desert Trails playground!!! Once down DEA Special Agent Jeff, and Scottsdale Police Officer, Sargent Clark, exited the helicopter to the cheers of over 500 students, staff, and parents!!! The morning continued with Pearl, the drug dog, Special Agent Owens speaking to our students about good choices, and Special Agent Casey and Special Agent Jeff giving a tour of the helicopter!!!! Thank you to the Owens family for making the connections, and Thank you to PTO for putting this all together for our school!!! It was FANTASTIC~our students are still talking about this special morning!!!
Parent Conferences are going great! It has been wonderful to see you this week as you are coming to hear about all the things your child is accomplishing so far this year. The smiles as families are leaving is a great sign that communication is happening and expectations are being met!! Thank you for supporting your child on their educational journey!
Thank you for supporting us as we join with you to provide the best learning environment for ALL of our children at Desert Trails. Each one is worth it and so much more!!! Thank you for sending us your children each and every day. They are very precious to us!!!
November Events
11/5 Gov. Board Meeting 7pm
11/10 Early Release~Students dismissed at 12:30
11/11 No School
11/13 Lunch with Mrs. Lee @ Mimi's Cafe Star Citizen
11/16 School Council 7:45am
11/19 Student Council meeting 11:45
11/19 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
11/24 Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
11/26 & 11/27 Thanksgiving break
Tax Credit? What is that?
Click below for more informtion:
Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a credit for contributions made or fees paid to a public school for support of extracurricular activities or character education (as defined in ARS 15-719). The credit is equal to the amount contributed or the amount of fees paid. However, the credit cannot exceed $200 for single taxpayers or heads of household. For married taxpayers who file a joint return, the credit cannot exceed $400. If married taxpayers file separate returns, each spouse may claim 1/2 of the credit that would have been allowed on a joint return.
Extracurricular activities such as sports, band, speech and debate or overnight field trips are generally not fully funded by school districts. These programs depend on fees from students. Click on the link provided to download the brochure to read about this valuable program and how you can participate. The Arizona Department of Revenue has additional information. Donations must be postmarked by midnight December 31 to be eligible for the current year.