The word is getting out! You can give to Desert Trails' enrichment classes AND give yourself a tax credit!!! That's right- a family can give up to $400 and a single can give up to $200. Desert Trails will then give you a tax receipt and you deduct the amount you gave right on your tax form!!!
Some of the excellent enrichment classes currently taking place are Tutoring Club, Homework Club, our Technology Club~ GenYes, and a new after school Sports program is starting soon!! Our tax credits also assist students in financial need so they can attend Catalina and Grand Canyon field trips with their classmates!!! If you would like to see a new enrichment class offered at Desert Trails please drop me an email and let me know! The Tax Credit form will be coming home soon, and for easy access I will post it on our school website for you to print.
Please pass this super benefit on to grandparents, neighbors, and business partners!! Everyone can use a tax break and Desert Trails will use these funds to enrich our student's learning journey!!! Thank you for your partnership!