August is right around the corner, which only means one thing to me...Desert Trails will be buzzing with students, teachers, and parents soon!!! I am excited for the new school year because it always brings with it opportunities I never imagined. Already I have been meeting with parents and teachers to get ideas and input on creating a vital and instrumental Parent Volunteer program. Working together with our PAC and School Council, I know this will be a successful support we will put in place for our students this year.We will be meeting again July 30th at 9:00 and all are welcome.
I am pleased to welcome Mrs. ElizaBeth Warner as our new Gifted teacher. ElizaBeth comes from Cactus View, has done several district level professional development trainings for our own PVUSD teachers, and has also presented at the State Gifted Conference. Along with her classroom experience she has been a successful Cluster teacher. Her instructional practices are cutting edge and defined under Best Practices. She is the mother of two gifted children, so her practical application will be a wonderful resource for all. I am looking forward to the great things she has planned for our students and staff!
Our Ice Cream Social will be August 13th 5:00-7:00. This is a great time to meet your child's teacher, see old friends, and sign up to participate at school. We always can use Duty Aides, Crossing Guards, Cafeteria and Playground staff.If you can help a feww hours a week, that would be wonderful and appreciated. Perhaps you could be on our emergency call list when we a short handed. Please see Kim or Pam in the office for more information!
We continue to watch our class sizes in grade 2 and in Kindergarten. I am working closely with the district and they are aware of our numbers. Those numbers will be verified the first week of school, and at that time we will have a better understanding of our direction. My goals will be to #1 Do what is best for all students #2 Make any transition necessary as smooth as possible.
I appreciate your patience and positive attitude as we work through this together.
Enjoy these last few days of summer! The school bell will be ringing soon...
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