Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Shop/SpeakUp!/Tax Credit/Dec. Events

Tuesday, Nov. 29 through Dec. 2, our Holiday Shop is back & open for business! Students will have the opportunity to purchase small gifts for family and friends while using their math skills! Our wonderful PTO has brought this fun experience back to Desert Trails to emphasize thoughtfulness, friendship, and love toward others; some of the most important Life Skills we want for all of our children! The Holiday shopping list should have gone home last week. If you need another one, please contact your child's teacher or drop by the office to pick one up!

In keeping with four years running now, SpeakUp! 2011 is now open. Perhaps now more than ever, participation is warranted. Parents, staff and students are encouraged to participate. The data is used in many small and large forums. Please go directly to my blog and click on the SpeakUp! link. Thank you!!

Do you pay Az. Taxes? Well, the Tax Credit deadline is approaching quickly and we need your help! Our iCamp, GenYes, Reading Rocks, Spanish, Drama, & Homework Clubs are all funded through your Tax Credit. PLUS---- the Tax Credit is available to all State of Az taxpayers, regardless of whether you have children in school. The amount you donate-up to $200 (or$400 per married couple)- will be the amount you may claim as a state tax credit. For example, if you donate $50, your state tax credit would be $50. A receipt will be mailed to you by the school.
We appreciate your Tax Credit as it allows us to offer wonderful before & after school programs for all of our students! Please call the office if you have any questions or go directly to the link provided on my blog. THANK YOU!!!

12/1 School Council meeting 7:45 am
12/1 Governing Board meeting 7pm
12/7 Chorus Holiday Show @ DTES 6:30pm
12/14 PTO BINGO @ DTES 6:00-9:00pm
12/15 STAR Lunch with Mrs. Lee @ Mimi's Cafe
12/15 Governing Board meeting 7pm
12/21-1/3 Winter Break
1/10 Half Day Students dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch)