Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Parent Rep./Picture Day/PTO

First I would like to thank those who stepped up and offered their time & support to be involved with School Council. Those stellar individuals are: Laurel Lawton, Lisa Howe, Dania Schulman, Tracy Smitherman, and Joann Polk.
Next I would like to thank those of you who voted for the parent representative to serve on School Council. It gives me great satisfaction to know that at Desert Trails ALL parents have the opportunity to serve, vote, and be heard!
Last, but certainly not least I would like to announce our new parent who will serve on the School Council for the 2011-2012/2012-2013 school years. Please celebrate with me, Joann Polk.
As many of you know, Joann has two boys at D.T. and Jo has been instrumental on our wonderful PTO. I am very pleased to welcome Joann, and she is looking forward to being your liaison.

LIFETOUCH will be here Thursday for Picture Day!!

Did you hear that PTO is throwing an Ice Cream party? There are!!! For the classroom who gathers the most parent PTO memberships! We need moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, neighbors too! Let's get the 2011-2012 PTO membership to hit the all time high! We have many events, technology ideas, field trips, guest speakers, playground ideas.... all just waiting for parent support! The D.T. PTO works hard to invest your money into activities that will enrich our student's educational experience. We cannot do the great things we do at D.T. without your support! PTO is counting on you~and the kids want the ice cream!!!