Saturday, August 13, 2011


As we start each school year, we always provide several opportunities for parents to be involved. One of those opportunities is being part of our School Council.
Please find the role of School Council Members:
Understand the vision and mission of the school
Understand the role of the principal
Participate- actively
Increase knowledge
Understand role in the process
Learn to work for consensus
Parent support decision
Staff support and enforce decision
Our Mission:
The mission of the Desert Trails' School Council is to support the school’s vision and mission through the evaluation of programs and providing feedback from all members of the community in the following areas:
Advise the Principal
Evaluate programs/services/expectations (i.e. Bullying, MYD, dress code, etc.)
Provide Feedback from Community
Enhance Parent/Educator Relations (Review student handbook)
Conduct Annual Parent Survey
Facilitate the development of New School Action Plan~COMPASS 2015
Recommend Tax Credit expenditures & communication of Tax Credit program
Consider and evaluate new initiatives (technology, programs, etc..)
Should you be interested in joining the School Council, you will find the nomination form at the top of my blog (to be posted by 8/17). If two or more parents submit nomination forms, I will send out through pvlearners a voting site- to provide all parents the opportunity to vote for the parent of their choice. Nomination forms are due to the office by Aug. 31, 2011.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you!