Monday, April 18, 2011

Parent Input Form

Each year right after AIMS I have been sending out the Parent Input Form. Why? Because I value your input. This is a vehicle that parents can use to help us with placement for the upcoming school year, IF, you feel your child needs special accommodations. As you know, we do not take teacher requests, but will try our very best to place all student according to several factors: academics, gender, behavior, special needs, medical needs, etc...
The Cluster rooms are also one more consideration that we deal with. As we work with the district and the formula they provide, I have once again invited Dr. Brulles, District Gifted Director, to join us during placement so we ensure balanced & strong learning communities.
Your form must be turned in by April 25th to be considered in our placement. Feel free to write on the back of the form to provide more information. The information you provide is held confidential and is only viewed by me. Please keep in mind although I value your input, that doesn't necessarily mean I can meet all desires. However, I give you my word we will do our very best. Please refer to the Student Handbook posted on-line for more information regarding Student Placement.
For those of you reading this blog through your inbox, you will need to go to the actual blog site where all links are available. Thank you!