Saturday, May 1, 2010

Make a Difference

May 4-5-6, will be very special days in the PVUSD!
Students, Staff, and the Community will be able to work together to help support the Foundation of Public Education. Did you know the Foundation has invested over $350,000 in grants and services benefiting the 34,000 students in the Paradise Valley School District? This year the Foundation's goal is for every Student and Staff member to contribute $1.00 to help support the HANDS ON SCIENCE CENTER, CREST, and the COLLEGE and CAREER CENTERS. These programs reach all K-12 students.
At Desert Trails we have added a "twist" to make these 3 days extra fun! On Tuesday, students can bring in $1.00 and wear their slippers all day (with the exception of P.E.).
On Wednesday, students can bring in a $1.00 and wear their hat all day-inside & outside!
Thursday is the culminating day, and students can bring in $1.00 and they will receive a 20 minute fun filled recess!!! At our pep-rally this past Friday, students were really excited about these fun options! A container will be in the office if parents would like to contribute to support these wonderful programs in P.V.
Also, for our community members, the Foundation offers a CHANGE MATCHER. Please see the above links I have provided for more information! Thank you for your support!