Thursday, February 4, 2010


KINDNESS ASSEMBLY~ On January 19, grades 2-6 attended the first Kindness Assembly. Students from each classroom were recognized for an act of kindness. I would like to share this moment with you: "Taylor T. is always helpful and kind to others and she never lets anyone feel left out" (Maule)- "Amy E. is appreciated by her teacher and classmates for the kindness and thoughtfulness she displays in and out of the classroom" (Vice)- "Chase F. is brand new this year and is a good example of what kindness is. Chase has a gentle spirit and a kind heart" (Nelson)-"Alex S. was chosen because she is a true friend who is kind to everyone" (Kinsler)- "Emily M. shows kindness in every way all day at school to everyone she comes in contact with her" (Sanders)- "Jessica M. was chosen because she is kind to everyone and her acts of kindness go beyond our class" (Levins)- "Emad R. is a very caring student and is thoughtful of other people's feelings" (Cook)- "Carlos V. is the shining student who finds kindness in others as well as gives out kindness to others" (Cox)- "Jordan C. goes out of his way to demonstrate kindness" (Jordan)- "Michael C. was chosen because he is always spreading kindness" (Preston)- "Danny C. deserves to be honored because he has that wonderful ability and gift of always seeing kindness in others" (Toenjes)- "Gianna P. is naturally kind to others" (Sisserson)- "Justin H. deserves this award because he is respectful and considerate" (Carlson).
Wow... so as you can see we have some GREAT kids at Desert Trails and we enjoy celebrating with them!!!

KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP~ March 8, 2010 we launch our Round-up, calling all incoming Kindergarten students! Our open house for parents will be March 9, 5:00-7:00!!!
Spread the word that Desert Trails has the best Kindergarten teachers around!

Our THANK YOU~ please join us Feb. 17 from 9:00-12:00 as we invite all parents to come and see the many ways we embed technology into your child's academics. We appreciate your support for our push in technology and we would love for you to come to school and let the teachers "show-off." Be watching for more information coming home soon.

Parking Lot- Thank you for being patient during our last few rainy days while trying to pick up/drop off and driving safely in our school zones. Your cooperation is not only appreciated it is needed for the safety of all our kids!

February Events
2/4 Gov. Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.
2/8 School Council meeting 7:45 a.m.
2/9 Half Day Dismissed at 12:30
2/12 STAR St. go to Mimi's with Mrs. Lee
2/12 PTO Spring Dance 7:00 p.m.
2/14 Field Day Grade
2/15 No School
2/17 Courage Retreat Grade 6
2/17 Field Day Grade 5
2/17 District Choir Festival 9:00
2/18 Field Day Grade 6
2/18 Gov. Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.
2/22 Field Day K-3
2/23 Coffee with the Principal 8:30 STARBUCKS provided by Albertsons
2/25 Catalina 11:00 p.m.