Monday, September 14, 2009

PTO & Up Coming Events

WOW! What a great turn out for the PTO General meeting! Thank you for your participation and attendance. PTO had a jam packed, high information night planned just for you!
V-Reps~ Thanks to all parents who joined us for the reading training. This is a K-6 reading support program provided by parent volunteers. If you would like to be a part of our team you still can be! Simply contact Mrs. Bier at school and she will provide you with the information necessary.

Here are some upcoming events you need to know about:

Sept. 15 Early Release Students dismissed at 12:30
Sept. 21 Picture Day! SMILE!
Sept. 28 No School K-12 Recess
Sept. 29 Catalina 6th grade Parent night

Also, be sure to check out our current enrichment classes offered at Desert Trails:
Piano & Keyboarding
All Star Athletes
SW Martial Arts
Metz Tennis