D.T.E.S. Technology Family Night Coming in May....
History is made!
P.T.O. sponsored the annual Read-a-Thon challenging every student to read! Read they did!
The school read a total of 44, 228 minutes~raising $5,345.38!
Thank you Mrs. Porambo and P.T.O. for all of your support!
April Events
4/3 Early Release Students Dismissed at 12:30pm (No Lunch)
4/4 Safety meeting 8:00am Principal’s Office
4/5 School Council meeting 7:45am Principal’s Office
4/5 Governing Board meeting 7pm District Board Room
4/16----4/25 AIMS
4/16 Parent meeting 6th grade Human Growth & Development 6pm Library
4/19 Governing Board meeting 7pm District Board Room
4/23 Book Fair begins Library
4/25 PTO General meeting 6:30pm Library
4/27 Arbor Day~ Girl Scout Tree Presentation to DTES 10am Playground