District Parent Satisfaction Survey
Friday, May 27, 2011
Math Olympiad/Moving On?
Our DTES students finishing in the top 50 percent of all participants worldwide include:
5th grade: Taylor M. Chloe F. Michelle H. Jennifer I. Luke M. Jack B. Dominick M. Ethan N. Noah N. Michael P. Serena P. Logan P. Katrina S. Kylie S. Abigail W.
6th grade: Lauren R. Alek P. Caleigh O. Zach M. Shaley H. Molly H. Michael D. Jordan C.
Madi B. Alex B. Cyril A. Brian S. Abby S.
Two students earned a silver pin by finishing in the top 90-97 percentile of all mathletes.
6th grade: Cassidy B. Robert G.
Two students earned a gold pin for finishing in the top 2 percent worldwide.
6th grade: Danny C. Alex M.
Danny C. was our top DTES competitor with a score of 23 of 25. He was awarded the DTES trophy, for his outstanding performance!
The DTES team earned National Math Olympiad High Achievement award for finishing in the 80-89th percentile.
Moving on? Should you be leaving Desert Trails, and you would prefer to not receive my communications, please be sure to unsubscribe to this blog. If I could do it for you, I would... however your activating this account- requires you to deactivate it. Thank you!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
What Great Parents!/What a Great Year!
As I have looked back on the accomplishments this school year, I am blown away!!!
The saying is true: Together, we can do much! After this year, I say- Together, we can do more than we ever dreamed possible. From the academic success of our students, day in and day out to see our children, parents & teachers smiling, rolling up sleeves and working collaboratively with School Council, Safety Team, and PTO, all the way to the tiny seed of a dream for our students to have-- the D.ream T.ech (now known as the Imagination Center)...Desert Trails has success painted all over it's happy face!!!
None of this could have been accomplished without YOU, our parents!! You have held our hands and walked this walk with us this year-- and again, I thank you. Your financial support, your words of encouragement, your acts of gratitude kept our fires burning to soar higher!!
I wish you all a wonderful summer full of fun, safety, and special memories. For specifically our younger students, but all students attended, we brought in the Phx. Fire Dept. to share Water Safety & Fire Safety tips. I hope your 6th graders will share with you the presentation I shared with them on Internet safety- Digital Footprint. It is part of our COMPASS 2015 Digital Citizenship 21st Century Skills goals.
I trust they learned something and will be ever more vigilant about what they post and who they are talking with on the Internet.
As news comes my way throughout the summer I will be posting through this blog to stay in touch with you. Student placement will be released through Infinite Campus this year on August 8th. Also, mark your calendar, as school resumes August 11. !EVERY DAY COUNTS!
I eagerly look forward to next year~
Monday, May 9, 2011
Kinder Link/AIMS Results/Videos in the classroom
I thought you would enjoy watching a few of our "most precious resources".... our kinder students!!!
A handful of Desert Trails' kindergarten students were paid a visit by Smart Family Channel 15. and asked "Why is Kindergarten so special?"
Click on the link at the top of my blog to watch this adorable footage!!
The state test results that will be mailed by the district to student homes this summer will be Grade 10, 11, and 12 AIMS Math, Reading, Writing and Grade 10 Science results.
AIMS/SAT 10 test results for Grades 2 through 9 will be provided to students when they return to school in August. If parents would like their student copy earlier, they will be available for parent pickup from July 5-14 in the Assessment Department office located at the PVUSD District Office at 15002 N. 32nd St. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday, from 6:30am-5:00pm. The Assessment Department phone number is 602-449-2016. Please call in advance so staff can locate your student’s individual copies. You will need identification verifying your relationship to the student.
Videos in the classroom can enhance the learning experience in a number of ways. But more times than not when students get home they simply relay "we watched a movie all day!!!!" I can assure you this is not the case! More times than not, teachers are simply showing a clip or section to emphasize a deeper understanding for the students. At the end of the year, teachers will wrap up their curriculum units with a special video for the students to not only enjoy but extend learning. I have asked all grade levels to send home notification should they be showing a video, so you are aware and not caught off guard. Your permission will also be required on some videos per District policy. If you have any questions be sure to talk to your child's teacher!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Speak Up!/Assemblies/May Events/PTO link
Project Tomorrow has nominated your school, Desert Trails, for "Speak Up 200". These are the top 200 schools in the nation based on total student participation, length of participation, sharing of data, etc.. Congratulations!!!
I want to again thank you for helping to lead the district, state and nation - the Top 200 is an authentic distinction of participation - I hope you get it.
Thanks to D.T. Students, Parents, and Staff for participating in this project! We will know in September if we win!
Partnershipping with the Phoenix Fire Department this year has allowed us to offer our students assemblies on Water Safety, Bike Safety, and Fire Safety! Our students have thoroughly enjoyed these learning opportunities! I hope you have been seeing some of the literature coming home so the conversation/learning can continue on being safe, especially over the summer!!!
School Council is looking into more opportunities to bring the Phoenix Fire Department to Desert Trails next year!!!
May Events~
5/2 School Council meeting 7:45am
5/4 - 5/5 Fourth Gd. to the Grand Canyon
5/5 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
5/6 Nurse's Day
5/8 Happy Mother's Day to our DT Moms!
5/9 - 5/12 Sixth Gd. Human Growth classes
5/13 Fire Safety Assemblies
5/13 Choral Concert @ DT 6:30pm
5/19 STAR Citizens go to lunch with Mrs. Lee
5/19 Gov. Board meeting 7pm
5/24 Band Concert @ PHS 7pm
5/26 Half Day~students dismissed at 12:30 (no lunch) Last day of school
PTO link~
At the top of my blog you will find a PTO Survey link. Please take just a minute and give your input/feedback to PTO. They will use this data to plan for the new school year. They appreciate hearing from you!!! Thank you,
Monday, May 2, 2011
PTO Survey/Immunizations/A Twist!
Paradise Valley Unified School District and Scottsdale Healthcare will host an immunization clinic for students needing immunizations to comply with 20112012 school entry requirements.
Immunizations are provided free of charge.
Student must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. Remember to bring child’s blue Lifetime Immunization Record and the immunization referral letter received from your school nurse (if applicable).
Date: Time: Location:
Friday, May 13, 2011 3:00 – 7:00 PM Cholla Complex Multi‐purpose Room 3602 East Cholla Phoenix, AZ 85028
A twist in our calendar for the start of school! Students return August 11, on a THURSDAY! Due to this calendar change, and three days of professional development, the teachers feel they will not have enough time to be ready to welcome students as in the past at the Ice Cream Social. This year teachers will welcome students on the first day of school~August 11!!! Since most grade levels now rotate teaching certain units, students end up having all of the teachers in that grade level throughout the year. To ease this transition of moving to the next grade level, we will be having a Meet the Teacher's Day!!! A special day is being planned for each grade level to visit next year's teachers, visit the "new" classrooms and at our end of the year assembly we will have all teachers come up for a very special introduction! Thank you for understanding and allowing teachers to plan and prepare for your child the best they can!