As we wind up such a wonderful school year, I want to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing PTO President, Becky McHolland. Becky has served the Desert Trails' students and staff with all of her heart and energy. Daily she has been at school to do whatever needed to be done, follow up with teachers, collect items, and much more.
Becky moves up to Explorer & Vista Verde middle schools, where she will once again be instrumental in helping impact student success. I wish Becky the very best and thank her for all of her endless hours, hard work, and support that she has given to me.
Also, I would like to recognize and thank are our wonderful volunteers and PTO leaders. Field trips, classrooms, reading support, copying materials, testing, events, etc... are just some of the ways our parents have demonstrated their support this year.We thank you for all you do each and every day to help make Desert Trails a great place for students to learn.
Next year will bring many challenges, but working together will be key in turning those challenges into opportunities. My door is always open to parent input and I look forward to working through our School Council, PTO, Student Council, Students and Staff to make next year the best ever.We will be looking for parents to join us on two school committees: Safety & Anti-Bully committees.
If you are looking for a way to get involved, simply come to the front office, and we will have a place for you!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful & safe summer and can find some time to be with family and friends. School begins August 17th and our Ice Cream Social will be the week before. I will be communicating over the summer to make sure you have any upcoming important dates.
Thank you for your support and participation this year. I look forward to continuing our belief in Success Each Day~Success Each Child.